Questões de Língua Inglesa da CONESUL Fundação de Desenvolvimento

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CONESUL Fundação de Desenvolvimento para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The word "backfill" (first paragraph) means

  • A.

    retaining wall.

  • B.


  • C.

    retained soil.

  • D.


"Each of these walls must be designed to resist the external forces applied to the wall from earth pressure, surcharge load, water, earthquake etc."

According to the sentence above, one can deduce that

1. designing any retaining wall requires knowledge of lateral earth pressure. 
2. retaining wall design is an iterative method. 
3. it is common for walls to be designed with adequate drainage to prevent water from accumulating behind the wall and producing large additional forces.

Which of the statements is correct?

  • A.

    Only number 1.

  • B.

    Only number 2.

  • C.

    Only number 3.

  • D.

    All of them.

The best translation of "Lateral pressure varies linearly with depth and the resultant pressure is located onethird of the height (H) above the base of the wall." Is

  • A.

    O empuxo lateral varia linearmente apesar da profundidade e a expressão resultante é encontrada um terço mais alta (h) acima da base da parede.

  • B.

    O empuxo lateral varia linearmente com profundidade e a expressão resultante é encontrada um terço da altura (h) acima da base da parede.

  • C.

    O variado empuxo lateral muda com a profundidade e a expressão resultante é encontrada um terço da altura (h) acima da base da parede.

  • D.

    Linearmente, a profundidade do empuxo lateral varia sensivelmente e a expressão resultante é encontrada um terço da altura (h) acima da base da parede.

Consider these statements about Rankine Theory.

I. It assumes that the wall is frictionless and the soil is cohesionless, the force is parallel to the backfill surface.

II. It assumes that the ground and failure surfaces are straight planes.

III. It assumes that the friction between soil and wall is of no consequence.

Which of them is correct?

  • A.

    Only I.

  • B.

    Only II.

  • C.

    Only II and III.

  • D.

    All of them.

Choose the right alternative to complete respectively the blanks in the paragraph.

Since the Theory assumes that there is no soil wall friction, the force (Pa) is ____________ to the backfill surface. On the other hand, since the Theory takes the soil wall friction into consideration, the force (Pa) acts at an angle of from the to the wall. This results in both a vertical and horizontal component of the force (Pa).

  • A.

    Rankine -parallel -Coulomb -perpendicular

  • B.

    Coulomb -parallel -Rankine -perpendicular

  • C.

    Rankine -vertical -Cpoulomb -top

  • D.

    Coulomb -perpendicular -Rankine -parallel

According to the text, it is correct to say that Rankine method is

  • A.

    rarely used for cantilever walls.

  • B.

    successfully used for gravity walls.

  • C.

    mainly used for cantilever walls.

  • D.

    widely applicable, solving problems concerning active thrusts on cantilever walls.

In contrast, Coulomb s method

  • A.

    cannot be used in a wide range of conditions.

  • B.

    can only be used in specific conditions.

  • C.

    can be used in a wide range of conditions.

  • D.

    is the only one used to compute earth active thrusts on walls.

           Rankine notes that adhesion is useful in helping ground stand up in temporary work but plays no part in his design, which is consistent with Coulomb s law. Adhesive or cemented strength may arise as small creep strains occur and as bonds develop in undisturbed sedimentary soils, but any such bonds are, in Rankine s view, destroyed by weathering, and in Coulomb s view destroyed by remoulding. These two founders of soil mechanics are in agreement.

Adaptado de: Andrew N.Schofield Disponível em: Acessado em: 13/04/2007.

In Rakine s view, bonds are destroyed

  • A.

    by the action of the changes of the weather.

  • B.

    as they get older and older.

  • C.

    by remoulding.

  • D.

    as they develop in undisturbed soils.

           Rankine notes that adhesion is useful in helping ground stand up in temporary work but plays no part in his design, which is consistent with Coulomb s law. Adhesive or cemented strength may arise as small creep strains occur and as bonds develop in undisturbed sedimentary soils, but any such bonds are, in Rankine s view, destroyed by weathering, and in Coulomb s view destroyed by remoulding. These two founders of soil mechanics are in agreement.

Adaptado de: Andrew N.Schofield Disponível em: Acessado em: 13/04/2007.

According to the passage, Rankine and Coulomb

  • A.

    do not agree on soil mechanics.

  • B.

    did not develop consistent methods.

  • C.

    are in accord.

  • D.

    dispute the authorship of Coulomb s law.

Which of the alternatives bellow completes the text?

  • A. of -at -in
  • B. in -at- of
  • C. of -of- of
  • D. in -of- at
  • E. at- at -in
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