Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação Carlos Chagas (FCC)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação Carlos Chagas (FCC) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The purpose of most backup policies is to create a copy of data so that a particular file or application may be restored after data is lost, corrupted, deleted or a disaster strikes. Thus, backup is not the goal, but rather it is one means to accomplish the goal of protecting data. Testing backups is just as important as backing up and restoring data. Backup applications have long offered several types of backup operations. Two of the most common backup types are described below.

I. This operation will result in copying only the data that has changed since the last backup operation of any type. The modified time stamp on files is typically used and compared to the time stamp of the last backup. Backup applications track and record the date and time that backup operations occur in order to track files modified since these operations. Because this backup will only copy data since the last backup of any type, it may be run as often as desired, with only the most recent changes stored.

II. This type of backup makes a copy of all data to another set of media, which can be tape, disk or a DVD or CD. The primary advantage to performing this backup during every operation is that a complete copy of all data is available with a single set of media. This results in a minimal time to restore data, a metric known as a Recovery Time Objective (RTO).

The backup types I and II are, respectivelly,

  • A. Full backup − Differential backup.
  • B. Mirroring backup − Full backup.
  • C. Incremental backup − Full backup.
  • D. Differential backup − Mirroring backup.
  • E. Reverse backup − Continuous Data Protection backup.

Consider the text below.

Client computers provide an interface to allow a computer user to request services of the server and to display the results the server returns. Servers wait for requests to arrive from clients and then respond to them. Ideally, a server provides a standardized transparent interface to clients so that clients need not be aware of the specifics of the system (i.e., the hardware and software) that is providing the service. Clients are often situated at workstations or on personal computers, while servers are located elsewhere on the network, usually on more powerful machines. This computing model is especially effective when clients and the server each have distinct tasks that they routinely perform.

The text defines

  • A. the mainframe-based model.
  • B. the client-server architecture.
  • C. a private network based on TCP/IP protocols.
  • D. an intranet designed to allow client and server to share information and resources.
  • E. the peer-to-peer network based on client/server model.

Consider the figure below.

The correct way to describe the main concepts showing by the figure is:

  • A. If someone wants to send a private message, he gets the secret key (directly from the receiver in an e-mail) and use it to encrypt the message. For a message back to the sender, the receiver grab his secret key and encrypt with that. So all the encrypting is done with the secret keys, and all the decrypting is done with the corresponding public keys.
  • B. There's one major benefit to doing encryption this way: there is no need to send anything secret over an insecure channel. The public key goes out to the world, but it's not secret and it doesn't need to be. The private key can stay safe on a personal computer, where it was generated.
  • C. The secret key cryptography method, also called asymmetric encryption, employs a secret key for both encryption and decryption. The sender uses the key to encrypt the plain message and sends the encrypted message to the receiver. The receiver applies the same key to decrypt the message and recover the plain message.
  • D. Hash algorithms are typically used to provide a digital fingerprint of a plain message contents, often used to ensure that the message has been altered by an intruder or virus. Using public and secret keys, hash functions, then, provide a measure of the corruption of a message.
  • E. The public key cryptography method, also called symmetric encryption, employs two keys that are mathematically related although knowledge of one key does not allow someone to easily determine the other key. One key is used to encrypt the plain message and the other key is used to decrypt the cipher text.

A tradução mais adequada para All it takes to access OneDrive is a Microsoft account é

  • A. Todos podem ter acesso ao OneDrive com uma conta Microsoft.
  • B. Para acessar o OneDrive, basta ter uma conta Microsoft.
  • C. Quem quiser instalar o OneDrive precisa criar uma conta Microsoft.
  • D. É preciso ter acesso ao OneDrive para criar uma conta Microsoft.
  • E. Todas as formas de acessar o OneDrive exigem uma conta da Microsoft.

O autor do texto

  • A. espera que a Microsoft resolva vários problemas do Windows 10 antes de seu lançamento oficial.
  • B. não acredita que o Windows 10 vá introduzir muitas funcionalidades novas.
  • C. está relatando vários problemas que usuários do recém-lançado Windows 10 apontaram.
  • D. salienta o esforço que a Microsoft tem feito para resolver todos os problemas do Windows 10 antes de seu lançamento.
  • E. não teve, na realidade, nenhuma experiência pessoal com o Windows 10.

Um sinônimo para instantly, conforme usado no texto, é

  • A. lately.
  • B. currently.
  • C. often.
  • D. seldom.
  • E. promptly.

Segundo o texto,

  • A. os usuários ficaram muito satisfeitos com o novo visual do Windows 10.
  • B. o visual do Windows 10 ainda apresenta resquícios de versões anteriores.
  • C. a Microsoft seguiu a filosofia da Apple ao criar as novas funcionalidades do Windows 10.
  • D. o novo estilo do Windows 10 foi aplicado, com sucesso, a todo o sistema operacional.
  • E. a Microsoft já havia introduzido mudanças radicais no visual do Windows em suas duas versões anteriores.

De acordo com o texto,

  • A. a Microsoft não alterou em nada o File Explorer.
  • B. o maior problema do Windows 10 já foi solucionado: o da estabilidade do sistema.
  • C. os usuários do Windows 10 há tempos vêm pedindo a introdução de abas no File Explorer a exemplo dos browsers da Web.
  • D. é necessário ter uma conta da Microsoft para poder usar o Windows 10.
  • E. a Microsoft sempre deu plena garantia para seus produtos.

A melhor tradução para o trecho from where the target person is likely to access his/her email é

  • A. de onde a pessoa alvo provavelmente acessa seu e-mail.
  • B. de onde a pessoa alvo gosta de acessar seu e-mail.
  • C. de onde sua vítima geralmente acessa o e-mail.
  • D. onde sua vítima prefere acessar seu e-mail.
  • E. onde a pessoa alvo obrigatoriamente acessa o e-mail.

Segundo o texto,

  • A. o hacker que instala um keylogger pode ser identificado com certa facilidade.
  • B. há keyloggers especialmente desenhados para hackear senhas de e-mail.
  • C. uma forma segura de hackear uma senha de e-mail é usar um keylogger.
  • D. keyloggers não admitem instalação remota para obtenção de senhas de e-mail.
  • E. a instalação de um keylogger exige conhecimento e habilidades especiais.
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