Questões de Língua Inglesa da Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

In “Using stereotypes... segregates them” “them” refers back to:

  • A. People.
  • B. Empowers.
  • C. Languages.
  • D. Stereotypes.

It is true about the text that

  • A. Language use study is related to acts of speech.
  • B. Speech focus helps define theoretical concerns.
  • C. The CLT toppled seven basic language functions.
  • D. Some innate abilities are conveyed by discourse.

Mark the item which is NOT one of the distinctive features CLT.

  • A. Fluency and acceptable language are the primary goals.
  • B. Varieties of languages are acknowledged, not practiced.
  • C. Struggling to communicate will help learn a target language.
  • D. Linguistic variation is central concept in materials/methods.

“Thinking in terms of concepts and general principles” is the core of a linguistic theory defended by

  • A. Hymes.
  • B. Halliday.
  • C. Chomsky.
  • D. Savignon.

Which of the following is true about Dave?

  • A. He got enough nerve to do it.
  • B. He has always been in a daze.
  • C. He should not like any hazards.
  • D. He was severe for the first time.

Multiculturalism’s significance has been affected by

  • A. a boost guise in social and racial views.
  • B. government enactments in social fields.
  • C. presence of equity in entities’ handling.
  • D. phony claims that might seem accurate.

“Shortly after” means

  • A. within the pithy ensuing time.
  • B. it is happening in the long run.
  • C. very nearly but really not quite.
  • D. being the former of the events.

Frequency is determinant in language acquisition because

  • A. learners assess prevalent features in language intake.
  • B. brain processes have been classified as unconscious.
  • C. memorization is associative learning of representations.
  • D. it installs distributional characteristics of language input.

Psycholinguistic and cognitive linguistic theories of language acquisition hold that

  • A. thousands of highbrow constructions are repeated.
  • B. one should have denied all form and function levels.
  • C. grammar is gradually learnt as symmetries are spotted.
  • D. linguistic units and language use have become abstract.

The pattern of use for “Learning” (L 11) is the same in

  • A. having (L 09)
  • B. irradiating (L 03)
  • C. mapping (L 13)
  • D. associating (L 04)
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