Questões de Língua Inglesa da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Punctuation has been changed in paragraphs 2 to 6. The only case that DID NOT cause any relevant change in meaning nor problem of cohesion is:

  • A. In this sense, a unitary metric for quality would seek to impose one context upon another. The idea of a ‘world-class university’ is one way in, which developmental contexts, are ignored in order to export a particular model of university function.
  • B. The existence, of these kinds of tensions, around internationalization, opens the question. When we talk about measuring the value of internationalization whose internationalisation are we talking about?
  • C. Rankings are the new currency of quality. English, the official language of science. There is a discourse of convergence that promotes the inevitability of a singular vision for university structure, function and aims.
  • D. From the rapid growth in internationalisation initiatives, over the past two decades we have seen a recent turn to questioning the ‘value’ of internationalisation projects. Universities are strapped for cash, and have to make decisions about which international projects they want to invest in, and which projects provide the most value, for institutions’ own aims and ambitions.
  • E. Internationalisation takes many forms, including co-taught courses and degrees, massive open online courses (MOOCs), collaborative research, projects and student exchanges, maintaining international. Partnerships can be costly, and many are, for various reasons, not particularly productive.

The author of the text:

  • A. states that all international projects are valuable and that people in the universities are fighting for them.
  • B. understands that internationalization is a process that encompasses budgetary aspects the universities take into consideration before investing in international projects.
  • C. concludes that the “spaces of internationalization” are controlled by a range of academic organizations all over the world.
  • D. affirms that consortia such as Universitas 21 are used by the universities as mechanisms to control themselves.
  • E. advocates the promotion of holistic concepts, which can do more for the internationalization of the Institutions than actions by the administrative, technical and academic staff.

In “Should universities be critics and consciences of society, should they critically evaluate the ‘ethic of global citizenship’, and how can these rationales be evidenced and articulated in these spaces?” (paragraph 13), the words in bold face are, respectively:

  • A. adjective; adjective; adverb; adjective; adjective.
  • B. noun; noun; adjective; noun; adjective.
  • C. noun; noun; adverb; adjective; adjective.
  • D. noun; noun; adverb; noun; noun.
  • E. adjective; noun; adverb; adjective; noun.

O primeiro parágrafo do TEXTO I, com informações básicas importantes sobre o uso do MacBook, afirma que, como usuários, devemos

  • A. ter atenção especial com o disco rígido ao começar a usar o MacBook.
  • B. esperar o disco rígido ou outro disco parar, antes de transportar o MacBook.
  • C. esperar alguns minutos para permitir que o disco rígido desligue.
  • D. evitar que o disco rígido e todos os sinais óticos sejam manipulados.
  • E. evitar transportar o MacBook para que ele não caia ou leve tombos.

De acordo com nota especial presente no texto, o MacBook usa um tipo de tecnologia para

  • A. proteger o disco rígido em caso de ataque de vírus.
  • B. evitar que o computador estrague se esquentar.
  • C. auxiliar no transporte, manipulação e limpeza do MacBook.
  • D. proteger o disco rígido em caso de queda ou movimento brusco.
  • E. evitar que o MacBook seja utilizado indevidamente.

O texto afirma que o novo iPad é o gadget com melhor resolução de imagem no mercado. Esta asserção está descrita na seguinte alternativa:

  • A. “it’s a very, very sharp screen”
  • B. “it’s the sharpest ever on a mobile device”
  • C. “It’s four times as sharp as the iPad 2”
  • D. “1 million pixels more than on a highdefinition TV set”
  • E. “This screen has 3.1 million pixels”

A oração “Last year’s model was called the iPad” está na voz passiva tanto quanto a oração que está na seguinte opção:

  • A. “That’s exactly what’s going on with the new iPad”
  • B. “The biggest new feature is what Apple calls the Retina display (…)”
  • C. “The resolution revolution isn’t the only change in the iPad (…)”
  • D. “(…) but don’t take it in any new directions.”
  • E. “(…) in apps that have been rewritten for the new screen (…)”

Na oração “(…) the world’s first tablet that can actually show you hi-def movies (…)”, o autor diz que o novo iPad:

  • A. pode mostrar como atualmente existem filmes em alta definição.
  • B. pode mostrar como os filmes em alta definição são o show da atualidade.
  • C. é o primeiro tablet que pode realmente mostrar filmes em alta definição.
  • D. é o primeiro tablet da atualidade com filmes em alta definição.
  • E. é o primeiro tablet da atualidade com exibição de shows em alta resolução.
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