Questões sobre Aspectos linguísticos

Lista completa de Questões sobre Aspectos linguísticos para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Read the sentences below and choose the option which is grammatically INCORRECT:

    A) Maria has been in Austria since Sunday.

    B) Paul started his new job three weeks ago.

    C) Marcus has been in France for three days.

    D) I bought these shoes a little days ago.

Indicate the statement in which the stressed vowel indicated is wrong::

    A) obstacles (a).

    B) literature (i).

    C) treatment (ea).

    D) replacement (a).

    E) keyboard (ey).

Tick the following pair of words that does not have the same sound:

    A) Christ – Christmas.

    B) sole – soul.

    C) air – heir.

    D) buy – bye.

    E) doe – dough.

Read the following statements:
I- The risk is that things may be brewing underneath the surface. II- The Senate approved a bill that promises a $1,200 payout to millions of Americans. III- Crowded camps, depleted clinics and scarce soap and water make social distancing and even hand-washing impossible for millions of refugees. IV- They would just preferred not to discuss it right now. Choose the correct alternative:

    A) Only statements I and II are grammatically correct.

    B) Only statements II, III and IV are grammatically correct.

    C) Only statement I is grammatically correct.

    D) Only statements I, II and III are grammatically correct.

    E) All the statements are grammatically correct.

The sound of letter ‘a’ is underlined in the words below. What is the correct sequence that brings the phonemic symbols that would be used in a dictionary entry?
late – player – party – alphabet – island – hard – pizza – grandson – invitation
1. /æ/ 2. /ei/ 3. /?:/ 4. /?/

    A) 2 – 1 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 3 – 2

    B) 2 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2

    C) 1 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 3 – 3 – 4 – 3 – 1

    D) 3 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 4

    E) 4 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 3 – 1 – 2

What’s the best answer for: “oral fluency is…”:

    A) speaking without making any grammar mistakes.

    B) speaking without considering the listener.

    C) speaking naturally without hesitating too much.

    D) speaking with accuracy.

    E) speaking by connecting the sentences correctly.

What’s the best answer for: “Group work is useful because it…”:

    A) Reduces teacher talking time.

    B) Solves class discipline.

    C) Sure makes all students work as hard as they can.

    D) Depends on the teacher.

    E) Helps students understand a listening better.

Instructions: answer question based on the following text

1.png (712×536)

(Avaliable in: – text specially adapted for this test.)

Mark the word in which the “ch” is pronounced with a “k” sound, as in “psychological”:

    A) Children.

    B) Searching.

    C) Technology.

    D) Researchers.

    E) Each.

Observe the extracted part of the head of the article and choose the correct alternative for rewriting the date:
Mon 31 Aug 2020

    A) Monday, 31st of August 2020.

    B) Monday the 31st of August, 2020.

    C) Monday 31st August 2020.

    D) Monday, the 31st August 2020.

    E) All of the above are correct.

Find the mistakes and choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

“The Amazon were the world’s most large tropical rainflorest. It covers 2.1 million square miles for land, primarily in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia.”

    A) was – larger – its – of.

    B) is – largest – rainforest – of.

    C) are – largest – of – on.

    D) is – large – rainforest – on.

    E) All answers are incorrect.

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