Questões sobre Interpretação de texto

Lista completa de Questões sobre Interpretação de texto para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

       Despite being the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is still relatively closed compared to other large economies. Brazil is an outlier in that its trade penetration is extremely low, with trade at 24.1 percent of GDP in 2017. The number of exporters relative to the population is also very small: its absolute number of exporters is roughly the same as that of Norway, a country with approximately 5 million people compared to Brazil’s 200 million. While further integrating into the global economy could threaten uncompetitive companies and their workers, competitive businesses would most likely benefit. Brazil’s insertion would also allow the country to better leverage its competitive advantages, such as in natural resource-based industries.

Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Judge the following items, based on the text above.

According to the text, at the time of publication, there were eight countries with economies larger than Brazil’s.

    As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.
Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understanding
the Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

The authors of the text argue that during the 2018 election it was important for voters to learn about political candidates’ economic advisors.

    As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.
Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understanding
the Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

The adverb “then” (third sentence) substitutes the antecedent “The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017” (second sentence).

    As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.
Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understanding
the Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

The authors of the text state that, in the past, Brazil faced economic challenges.

    As a young democracy, Brazil has confronted economic and financial upheavals in the past. The country’s economic crisis of 2014—2017 saw a drastic fall in gross domestic product (GDP), stark rise in unemployment, a severe fiscal crisis, and an increased budget deficit. Since then, the economy has been a prominent issue in political conversations, especially regarding globalization and the ways in which trade liberalization can affect economic growth. Those running for office in 2018 differed slightly in this debate, and comparing the proposals and backgrounds of their economic advisors was as important as comparing the candidates themselves.

Lara Bartilotti Picanço, Mariana Nozela Prado & Andrew Allen.
Economy and Trade — Brazil 2018 Understanding
the Issues. August 14, 2018. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item.

According to the text, Brazil has a long history of democracy.

       Despite being the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is still relatively closed compared to other large economies. Brazil is an outlier in that its trade penetration is extremely low, with trade at 24.1 percent of GDP in 2017. The number of exporters relative to the population is also very small: its absolute number of exporters is roughly the same as that of Norway, a country with approximately 5 million people compared to Brazil’s 200 million. While further integrating into the global economy could threaten uncompetitive companies and their workers, competitive businesses would most likely benefit. Brazil’s insertion would also allow the country to better leverage its competitive advantages, such as in natural resource-based industries.

Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Judge the following items, based on the text above.

The authors claim that if Brazil expands its international commerce activities, this will only put weak local businesses and their workers at risk.

Read the text below to answer the following question

NASA mission finds water on the sunlit surface of the moon

    There may be more water on the moon than previously believed, including on its sunlit surface. This water could be used as a resource during upcoming missions, like NASA's return of humans to the lunar surface through the Artemis program.
    The two studies published in the journal Nature Astronomy, and researchers shared their findings during a NASA press conference on Monday.
(Adapted from: 
The presence of water on the moon could be useful for:

    A) Resource during upcoming missions.

    B) Supply to planet Earth.

    C) Future agricultural production.

    D) Tourist missions on the moon.

Read the text below to answer the following question

NASA mission finds water on the sunlit surface of the moon

    There may be more water on the moon than previously believed, including on its sunlit surface. This water could be used as a resource during upcoming missions, like NASA's return of humans to the lunar surface through the Artemis program.
    The two studies published in the journal Nature Astronomy, and researchers shared their findings during a NASA press conference on Monday.
(Adapted from: 
According to the text:

    A) Water sources on the moon are polluted.

    B) It has been proven that there is no water on the moon.

    C) NASA will produce water on the moon.

    D) There is probably more water on the moon than previously thought.

Read the text below to answer the following question

Even the deepest, coldest parts of the ocean are getting warmer

    Thermometers moored at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean recorded an average temperature increase of about 0.02 degrees Celsius over the last decade. That warming may be a consequence of human-driven climate change, which has boosted ocean temperatures near the surface, but it’s unclear since so little is known about the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean.
    “The deep ocean, below about 2,000 meters, is not very well observed,” says Chris Meinen, an oceanographer at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The deep sea is so hard to reach that the temperature at any given research site is typically taken only once per decade. But Meinen’s team measured temperatures hourly from 2009 to 2019 using seafloor sensors at four spots in the Argentine Basin, off the coast of Uruguay.
    Temperature records for the two deepest spots revealed a clear trend of warming over that decade. This warming is much weaker than in the upper ocean, Meinen says, but he also notes that since warm water rises, it would take a lot of heat to generate even this little bit of warming so deep.
    It’s too soon to judge whether human activity or natural variation is the cause, Meinen says. Continuing to monitor these sites and comparing the records with data from devices in other ocean basins may help to clarify matters.
(Adapted from:
The average temperature increase recorded is:

    A) Below about 2,000 meters.

    B) Hourly from 2009 to 2019.

    C) About 0.02 degrees Celsius.

    D) Once per decade.

Read the text below to answer the following question

Even the deepest, coldest parts of the ocean are getting warmer

    Thermometers moored at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean recorded an average temperature increase of about 0.02 degrees Celsius over the last decade. That warming may be a consequence of human-driven climate change, which has boosted ocean temperatures near the surface, but it’s unclear since so little is known about the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean.
    “The deep ocean, below about 2,000 meters, is not very well observed,” says Chris Meinen, an oceanographer at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The deep sea is so hard to reach that the temperature at any given research site is typically taken only once per decade. But Meinen’s team measured temperatures hourly from 2009 to 2019 using seafloor sensors at four spots in the Argentine Basin, off the coast of Uruguay.
    Temperature records for the two deepest spots revealed a clear trend of warming over that decade. This warming is much weaker than in the upper ocean, Meinen says, but he also notes that since warm water rises, it would take a lot of heat to generate even this little bit of warming so deep.
    It’s too soon to judge whether human activity or natural variation is the cause, Meinen says. Continuing to monitor these sites and comparing the records with data from devices in other ocean basins may help to clarify matters.
(Adapted from:
According to the text:

    A) Human activity is the cause of the warming at the seafloor.

    B) Human activity is not the cause of the warming at the seafloor.

    C) It is clear that the increase in temperature is the result of climate change.

    D) It is too soon to judge whether human activity or natural variation is the cause of the warming.

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