Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The sentence "Being less urbanized, Africa and Asia are liable to experience rapid rates of urbanization during 2000-2030."(lines 46-48) is adequately rendered in Portuguese as

  • A.

    Sendo menos urbanizadas, África e Ásia irão experimentar índices rápidos de urbanização entre 2000 e 2030.

  • B.

    Sendo pouco urbanizadas, a Ásia e a África estão aptas a apresentar rápidos índices de urbanização de 2000 a 2030.

  • C.

    Por serem menos urbanizadas, é provável que a África e a Ásia registrem taxas de urbanização aceleradas no período 2000-2030.

  • D.

    Devido a serem pouco urbanizadas, é esperado que a África e a Ásia vivenciem uma taxa de urbanização crescente no período entre 2000 e 2030.

  • E.

    Ao terem menos urbanismo, África e Ásia deverão apresentar taxas de urbanização rápidas durante o período compreendido entre 2000 e 2030.

In the excerpt "soja lidera as remessas para o exterior e pode levar o Brasil a superar os EUA no comércio internacional" (lines 3-5), the phrases "lidera", "remessas para o exterior" and "comércio internacional" can be suitably translated as, respectively,

  • A.

    prevails -– foreign shipments -– international - commerce.

  • B.

    heads -– external consignments - foreign - exchange.

  • C.

    directs -– transfers - from abroad -– world - commerce.

  • D.

    tops –- external - payments –- international - trade.

  • E.

    leads -– foreign remittances -– foreign - trade

In the sentence "Este crescimento foi maior até mesmo que o do PIB nacional, que subiu 5,4% em 2007 e alcançou R$ 2,55 trilhões." (lines 19-21), the verb forms "subiu" and "alcançou" would correspond in English to

  • A.

    had increased – had attained.

  • B.

    has risen – has reached.

  • C.

    rose – has achieved.

  • D.

    went up – reached.

  • E.

    hit – matched.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

According to the text, there may be cases when scientific articles can deal with an astounding discovery.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The terms "...Produto Interno Bruto" (line 1) and "...balança comercial." (line 39) are correctly translated as:

  • A.

    Gross Internal Product – balance of payments.

  • B.

    Gross National Product – balance of payments.

  • C.

    Gross National Product – trade balance.

  • D.

    Gross Domestic Product – balance of trade.

  • E.

    Gross Domestic Product – trade surplus.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Secondary publications are not the same evaluation as that given to primary ones.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Read the excerpts below.

I - "Os altos preços das commodities e uma safra recorde de 133,3 milhões de toneladas de grãos" (lines 7-9).

II - "A previsão foi respaldada também pelos números da atual safra (2007/2008)." (lines 31-32).

III - "Com 90% dos grãos colhidos, a Conab [...] estimou um novo recorde:" (lines 32-34).

The item that contains suitable translations for the words in boldtype is

  • A.

    Harvest – anticipation – actual – reaped.

  • B.

    Crop – forecast – current – harvested.

  • C.

    Farming – projection – present – cropped.

  • D.

    Output – outlook – prevailing – picked off.

  • E.

    Production – prevision – updated – gathered.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Scientific articles have to be appraised by the author’s equals.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the text, the word “journals” (l.2) is the same as newspapers.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Read the text below entitled “A Latin American decade?” in order to answer questions 11 to 13:

According to paragraph 1, Mercosur and the Andean Community

  • A.

    have created a fairer trade.

  • B. brought about political divisions.
  • C.

    did not prosper in the 1990s.

  • D.

    have consolidated the region´s trade.

  • E.

    have not evolved.

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