Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Which words best complete the text:

  • A.

    flexibility, flex, flexibly.

  • B.

    flexible, fiexible, flexibie.

  • C.

    Hex, flexibiy, flex.

  • D.

    inflexible, flexibly, flex.

  • E.

    flexibly, flexibly, flexibly.

Read the text below entitled “Beyond Lula” in order to answer questions 14 to 16:

According to the text, Brazil´s growth pace is likely to

  • A.


  • B.

    reach 10%.

  • C.

    exceed 10%.

  • D.

    remain steady.

  • E.


Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Several interpretations can be given to scientific works.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

This text refers to questions 40 to 43.

In the fragment, "lured him into boasting that Americans admired him" (l.38-39), the words "lured" and "boasting" mean, respectively,

  • A.

    pressed and stating.

  • B.

    tempted and denying.

  • C.

    enticed and bragging.

  • D.

    challenged and acknowledging.

  • E.

    coerced and showing off.

Compiete the following conversation, using the most appropriate Option.

  • A.

    Even though

  • B.

    On the contrary

  • C.

    In Spite of

  • D.


  • E.

    Of course

Read the text below entitled “Beyond Lula” in order to answer questions 14 to 16:

The text highlights Petrobras´ public-share offering which

  • A.

    was expected to reach $67 billion.

  • B.

    might raise $67 billion.

  • C.

    could have raised $67 billion.

  • D.

    ought to have taken place.

  • E.

    took place in late September.

Texto II, para responder às questões 8 e 9.

Mark the alternative that presents information which cannot be found in the text II.

  • A.

    How law enforcement regards Criminal Intelligence Analysis.

  • B.

    Besides governmental sectors, where Criminal Intelligence Analysis modus operandi is applied.

  • C.

    A statement agreed more than a decade ago that defines Criminal Intelligence Analysis.

  • D.

    The number of European INTERPOL member countries which have staff trained to deal with Criminal Intelligence Analysis.

  • E.

    Some responsibilities of Criminal Intelligence Analysis.

According to the text, it can be stated that

  • A.

    it is obvious to say that the second language learning may change the structure of the native language.

  • B.

    second language interference must be totally avoided.

  • C.

    the native language and the second language operate the same way.

  • D.

    native and target languages can share some traces.

Read the text below entitled “10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online” in order to answer questions 17 to 20:

According to the author, the year of your birthday must be

  • A.


  • B.

    pointed out.

  • C.

    filled in.

  • D.


  • E.

    written down.

Texto II, para responder às questões 8 e 9.

About operational and strategic analysis, mark the correct alternative.

  • A.

    Operational analysis aim is also to avoid small mistakes in a process.

  • B.

    Operational analysis is closer to policy-makers than strategic analysis.

  • C.

    Strategic analysis also aims to anticipate answers to the emergence of new types of crime.

  • D.

    Strategic analysis work is supposed to be noticed immediately.

  • E.

    Strategic analysis deals mainly with personal investigation.

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