Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2009
In relation to the text above, judge the items from 11 through 20.
Although kuru has been controlled by a change in cultural habits, humans contamination runs down cattle disease pattern causing deterioration of the brain.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2009
In relation to the text above, judge the items from 11 through 20.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are a family of uncommon progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and are caused by a prion which typically infects cattle and is transmitted through infected meat.
Texto IV, para responder às questões de 10 a 12.
According to the text IV, mark the correct alternative.
The three officials mentioned in the text presented their point of view about the MoU in the first person.
The Minister for Media and Heritage for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is responsible for the World Heritage Sites.
The whole MoU thing is to update the Caribbean Islands heritage.
One of the officials stated that the local communities must avoid using heritage conservation as a way of making their living.
Developing countries will benefit from the MoU as well as the United Kingdoms experts.
Texto IV, para responder às questões de 10 a 12.
Based on the text IV, mark the correct alternative.
The current World Heritage List lacks of updating.
More than cooperation between governments, abundant resources are required to protect heritages at risk.
The United Kingdoms conservation knowledge can barely contribute to the recognition of potential World Heritage Sites.
The conservation and maintenance of natural heritage will be prioritized by UNESCO.
Lord McIntosh shows some pessimism about the Memorandum of Understanding.
Texto IV, para responder às questões de 10 a 12.
The text IV deals with
the United Kingdoms acceptance as a member of UNESCO.
UNESCOs budget difficulties.
improvements in the field of heritage conservation.
the dissolution of the World Heritage Committee.
the nomination of Mr. Timothy Craddock to become the United Kingdom Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO.
Vernon Gibson believes that
there are no new alternatives for energy generating plants.
all power stations using coal as fuel should be closed down.
petroleum-powered energy stations are the only substitute for dirty coal plants.
wind, nuclear and CCS are poor alternatives for immediate and large scale use.
a wide range of energy sources, conventional or not, will be necessary in the future.
Mark the only alternative that correctly expresses what the statistics refer to.
45% (line 17) the rise of world energy demand in 2007.
17% (line 19) the increase of energetic demands predicted for 2030.
US$8 billion over 10 years (line 41) the sum of investments in coal-fired power stations until 2015.
20 gigawatts (line 44) the energy that can be generated from wind power in 24 American states.
$3 billion (line 61) the amount of investments in conventional energies until the present time.
Gibsons statement If we just stopped burning coal the lights would go out. Period. (lines 9-10) means that
coal is not an efficient energy source to meet the worlds present needs.
it is necessary to stop consuming so much electricity in the winter periods.
the use of coal as an energy source should be condemned in the near future.
the world must continue producing coal-based energy to avoid the shortage of power.
the energy generated from dirty old coal will not be useful to prevent blackout periods.
The company Vernon Gibson works for has been
building a huge wind energy project in Algeria since 2004.
investing in research projects to develop alternative clean energy sources.
reducing its contributions to the 400-megawatt hydrogen energy plant in Abu Dhabi.
working on a biofuel project with researchers at the California Institute of Technology.
competing with the Imperial College in London to develop flexible plastic solar cells.
Vernon Gibson believes that
there are no new alternatives for energy generating plants.
all power stations using coal as fuel should be closed down.
petroleum-powered energy stations are the only substitute for dirty coal plants.
wind, nuclear and CCS are poor alternatives for immediate and large scale use.
a wide range of energy sources, conventional or not, will be necessary in the future.
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