Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Mark the only alternative that correctly expresses what the statistics refer to.

  • A.

    45% (line 17) – the rise of world energy demand in 2007.

  • B.

    17% (line 19) – the increase of energetic demands predicted for 2030.

  • C.

    US$8 billion over 10 years (line 41) – the sum of investments in coal-fired power stations until 2015.

  • D.

    20 gigawatts (line 44) – the energy that can be generated from wind power in 24 American states.

  • E.

    $3 billion (line 61) – the amount of investments in conventional energies until the present time.

Gibson’s statement “If we just stopped burning coal the lights would go out. Period.” (lines 9-10) means that

  • A.

    coal is not an efficient energy source to meet the world’s present needs.

  • B.

    it is necessary to stop consuming so much electricity in the winter periods.

  • C.

    the use of coal as an energy source should be condemned in the near future.

  • D.

    the world must continue producing coal-based energy to avoid the shortage of power.

  • E.

    the energy generated from dirty old coal will not be useful to prevent blackout periods.

According to the text, judge the following items.

According to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, the boundaries of an exclusive economic zone exceed territorial waters.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In paragraph 1, growth in the new order is defined as

  • A.

    both real and active.

  • B.

    absolutely extraordinary.

  • C.

    not very active or busy.

  • D.

    sustainable and rapid.

  • E.


The company Vernon Gibson works for has been

  • A.

    building a huge wind energy project in Algeria since 2004.

  • B.

    investing in research projects to develop alternative clean energy sources.

  • C.

    reducing its contributions to the 400-megawatt hydrogen energy plant in Abu Dhabi.

  • D.

    working on a biofuel project with researchers at the California Institute of Technology.

  • E.

    competing with the Imperial College in London to develop flexible plastic solar cells.

Text for items from 25 through 30


According to the text, it is correct to affirm that

an Indian warship attacked a supposed pirate mother ship which was, nevertheless, a fishing vessel.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In paragraph 1, fi nance is referred to as

  • A.

    remaining low throughout the crisis.

  • B.

    having been affected by the crisis.

  • C.

    having eroded throughout the process.

  • D.

    likely to be considered in a future analysis.

  • E.

    likely not to be hit by this scenario.

Check the only item in which the boldfaced item introduces a consequence.

  • A.

    “What do you say to critics, such as Jim Hansen…” (line 6)

  • B.

    “If you project forward the predicted growth in renewable energy,” (lines 17-19)

  • C.

    “So we’re going to need a broad mix of conventional and alternative energy sources.” (lines 22-23)

  • D.

    “We need to be working very hard on those now, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves…” (lines 36-38)

  • E.

    “... we ... are on track to invest $8 billion by 2015, as we said we were going to.” (lines 60-62)

Your answers to questions 17 to 20 must be based on the article below entitled "Looming water crisis simply a management problem":

 Looming water crisis simply a management problem

Source: August 20th 2008 (Adapted)

Today´s focus on the credit crisis and rising prices for food and oil has temporarily put another global scarcity in the shade: water. The UN predicts that by 2025, two-thirds of us will experience water shortages, with severe lack of water blighting the lives and livelihoods of 1.8 billion. According to the UN World Water Assessment Programme, by 2050, 7 billion people in 60 countries may have to cope with water scarcity. At this year´s World Economic Forum, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon recommended that water scarcity should be at the top of the international agenda. "As the global economy grows, so will its thirst," he said, warning of a future marred by conflicts over water.

There is no doubt that we need to rethink how we use water, especially with the human population growing rapidly, and global warming likely to produce unpredictable patterns of rainfall and drought. Nevertheless, my own research suggests that the situation may not be as dire as many are suggesting. Nations can thrive on surprisingly meagre quantities of fresh water – provided they adopt water-efficient technologies and encourage economic activity that does not guzzle water. I believe the looming water crisis is primarily a problem of distribution and management rather than supply. And we can solve it with existing technologies, increased investment and political will.

In paragraph 1, the author refers to "a future marred by conflicts over water". In other words, a future

  • A.

    unspoiled by them.

  • B.

    rid of them.

  • C.

    clouded by them.

  • D.

    broadened by them.

  • E.

    safeguarded by them.

In paragraph 2, the author mentions "the fiscal strain now hobbling California". In other words, the fiscal

  • A.

    policies which have been favouring California´s growth.

  • B.

    pressure currently preventing California´s development.

  • C.

    programmes successfully spoused by California.

  • D.

    measures which have steadily gained acceptance.

  • E.

    incentives recently promoted by the Californian government.

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