Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2009
According to the text, judge the following items.
It has taken nine years for an agreement on fair and responsible use of the world's oceans to be struck since the Maltese delegate to the United Nations spoke about it.
In line 78, those refers to
Other implications of the findings... (line 75) and assessment purposes, (line 76)
learners... (line 77)
...L2 skills... (line 78)
This text refers to questions from 14 through 20.
In the text, "better" (l.35) is the opposite of
Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 32 a 45, considere o texto abaixo.
Infere-se, pelo texto, que
os países ricos estão empenhados em abrir suas fronteiras aos produtos do grupo G-20.
o Brasil tem enviado tropas ao Haiti desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
um dos objetivos do grupo G-20 é fazer os países ricos abdicarem do protecionismo aos seus produtos agrícolas.
o grupo G-20 foi criado para incentivar a comercialização dos produtos agrícolas entre seus membros.
o Presidente Lula pretende ser o porta-voz dos países pobres da América do Sul.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2009
According to the text, judge the following items.
The treaty on fair and responsible use of the world's oceans was struck in 1982 and came into force right away.
In A mere familiarization with the cognitive challenges and the communicative environment of the learners workplace would go a long way in helping instructors make sure that learners can (lines 107-110), the expression in bold could be replaced by
suffice to help
not be able to help
be very successful in helping
require lengthy efforts to help
make long-lasting contributions to help
Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 32 a 45, considere o texto abaixo.
According to the text, Mr Amorim
concedes that Brazil should not support Haiti.
believes Brazil should not get involved in regional disputes.
claims that it is too dangerous to side with multilateralism.
does not think a "balanced world" will ever be possible.
believes Brazil's mission in Haiti will contribute to a more balanced world.
In the last paragraph (lines 105-114), the author suggests that
the communicative environment in the learners workplace does not reflect the challenges of real life communication.
learners will only meet their objective provided they are offered intensive language training and rehearsal in their workplace.
ESP instructors need to be fully knowledgeable in the technical skills required in the learners workplace.
ESP instructors are expected to have a general idea of the professional tasks and interactional needs of the learners without a thorough background in technical issues.
ESP instructors must develop an extensive knowledge of aviation as well as of Aviation English in order to help learners cope with the everyday challenges of their workplace.
Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 32 a 45, considere o texto abaixo.
One can infer from the text that
Brazil may be more influential in South America than the U.S. due to President Lula's friends in the region.
Brazil and the U.S. have always had the same interests in Latin America.
the U.S. are not really interested in promoting democracy in South America.
Brazil and the U.S. are, in fact, rivals in South America.
Brazil is useful in the international scene due to its alliances with the United States.
Check the option that introduces an implication of the research study reported in Text 2.
It is not necessary to refine the scale of language proficiency within realistic scenarios.
It is pointless to monitor and extract relevant data from the communications of pilots and air traffic controllers.
There is an urgent need of highly-specialized equipment to simulate the workplace context for pedagogical purposes.
There must be lifelike L2 training and assessment in air traffic controllerpilot communication under workload conditions.
There is no link between performance dissimilarities and language proficiency in the communication between pilots and air traffic controllers.
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