Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The author ends his text with the cliché “But that’s another story”, because

  • A.

    we will be kept busy uncovering the stories that underlie the recent developments in TESOL methods.

  • B.

    the challenges of the three recent paradigms in ESL/ EFL methods will impose other personal stories of learning processes.

  • C.

    the situation of Language Teaching practices in imperialistic countries is quite different from the context he has analyzed in this article.

  • D.

    he has run out of space to comment further on the three changing tracks in TESOL methods and how they will impact globalization.

  • E.

    he does not really intend, in this article, to discuss the consequences of globalization and world Englishes on language teaching methodologies.

Judge the following items about the ideas and the linguistic structures of the text above.

The verb to plunge in "Airbus A330 plunged mysteriously into the southern Atlantic Ocean" (l.1-2) means to thrust or throw (something or oneself) forcibly or suddenly downwards.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 46 a 50, considere o texto abaixo.

O trecho American leadership has been sorely lacking for the past eight years significa que a liderança americana

  • A.

    vem sendo injustamente criticada há oito anos.

  • B.

    está gravemente ameaçada há oito anos.

  • C.

    foi bastante comprometedora durante oito anos.

  • D.

    tem sido extremamente ativa nesses últimos oito anos.

  • E.

    tem sido praticamente inexistente nesses últimos oito anos.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

An audit can be broadly said to be an appraisal of individuals and organizations.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

All of the sentences below, rephrasing ideas contained in the passage, contain mistakes in language use, from the point of view of standard written English, EXCEPT FOR:

  • A.

    Having started investigations, the emerging process of globalization is still not known.

  • B.

    Each of the advocates of CLT and TBLT can submit their ideas on contextualization.

  • C.

    Neither the postmethod-generation TESOLer nor the strong supporter of TBLT are aware of what determines the course of language teaching development.

  • D.

    The founding-father of critical pedagogy, together with critical discourse analysts, have been accused of being lenient in analyzing recent methodological trends.

  • E. One reason for the skepticism towards critical pedagogy may have lain in the unwillingness of researchers to be more precise in their argumentation and research design.

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 46 a 50, considere o texto abaixo.

Segundo o texto, os dois candidatos à presidência dos Estados Unidos têm pontos de vista divergentes em relação

  • A.

    à posição que deve ocupar a guerra ao terrorismo islâmico na política externa.

  • B.

    ao uso do poder militar para resolver impasses diplomáticos

  • C.

    à política relativa ao aquecimento global.

  • D.

    ao fechamento da Baía de Guantanamo.

  • E.

    à tortura de prisioneiros.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The auditor is the person in charge of assuring that no mistakes are made whatsoever.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The author comments that the TBLT approach is an offshoot of CLT. In another section of his full article, he comments that “CLT was a principled response to the perceived failure of [previous methods].” Read the following claims on ELT methodology/approaches.

I - The Audiolingual method’s proclaimed goal of fostering communicative capability in the learner was based on the presentation-practice-production sequence.

II - CLT emphasizes language competence in terms of social interaction, considering the main linguistic principles of speech act theory, functional grammar, communicative competence, introduced by Austin, Halliday and Dell Hymes, respectively.

III - CLT was a theoretically based approach that reinforced the emphasis on the linguistic structures of the target language, as supported by the Audiolingual method.

IV - The Audiolingual method conveyed a largely structural orientation that relied on a rendering of pattern practices with pseudo-meaningful exchanges of scripted dialogues.

V - The Grammar-Translation method was grounded on the principles of American structuralist linguistics and behaviorist psychology in language teaching methods and materials.

Mark the alternative that contains only correct claims.

  • A.

    I, II and IV.

  • B.

    I, III and IV.

  • C.

    II, III and V.

  • D.

    I, II, III and V.

  • E.

    II, III, IV and V.

The words “undue” (line 22) and “unaccented” (line 32) are formed by the prefix “un”. In which of the words below would it be possible to add the same prefix to express an opposing idea in Standard English?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Audits are carried out in order to guarantee the dependability and trustworthiness of information.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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