Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

. Read the text below entitled "Happy new year" so as to answer questions 28 to 30:

According to paragraph 2, "taxpayers had reason to be glum". In other words, they

  • A.

    were understandably disappointed and sad.

  • B.

    ought to feel worried, but also relieved.

  • C.

    would rather be depressed.

  • D.

    might well be cautiously optimistic.

  • E.

    could reasonably seem hopeful.

According to the text, the Industrial Revolution

can be taken as a milestone on Earth’s ecology.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In clause 1(c), the following sentence “Lessor hereby appoints Lessee its agent for inspection and acceptance of the Aircraft from the Supplier.” (lines 65-67) is correctly translated as:

  • A.

    A Arrendatária aqui aponta a Arrendadora como sua representante para inspeção e aceite do Avião do Fornecedor.

  • B.

    A Arrendadora pelo presente nomeia a Arrendatária sua agente para inspeção e aceitação da Aeronave vinda do Fornecedor.

  • C.

    A Locadora por aqui nomeia a Locatária como sua representante para inspeção e aceite da Aeronave do Fornecedor.

  • D.

    A Locadora por este instrumento designa a Locatária como sua agente para a inspeção e aceitação da Aeronave vinda do Supridor.

  • E.

    A Locatária por meio deste documento aponta a Locadora sua agente para inspeção e aceitação da Aeronave vinda do Comprador.

. Read the text below entitled "Happy new year" so as to answer questions 28 to 30:

According to paragraph 3,

  • A.

    Washington´s stimulus package was slashed.

  • B.

    state budgets are being supported.

  • C.

    a stimulus package is going to be provided.

  • D.

    lay-offs and furloughs have been prevented.

  • E.

    states are going to close their deficits.

According to the text, the Industrial Revolution

was a drama for mankind.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Em sede policial, restaram infrutíferas todas as tentativas, encetadas desde o ano de 2006, de realizar a oitiva de João Aviador, tendo a autoridade policial apresentado o relatório de fls. 2009.

Consider the excerpt above and choose the alternative that presents the proper translation into English.

  • A.

    In the policial seat, all the attempts were useless, started since the year of 2006, to realize the meeting of João Aviator, having the police authority presented the record on page 2009.

  • B.

    In police headquarters, all remaining unsuccessful attempts, undertaken since year 2006, to conduct the hearing of John Aviator, and the police authority presented report on sheet of fls. 2009.

  • C.

    In the police station, all the attempts were deemed unfruitful, commenced since the year 2006, to perform the hearing of João Aviador, having police authority presented the report on folio 2009.

  • D.

    In the police station, all the efforts were left unsuccessful, initiated since the year of 2006, to take place the hearing of João Aviator, having the police authority presented the report on folio 2009.

  • E.

    In the police seat, all the attempts remained fruitless, began since the year of 2006, of realizing the hearing of João Aviador, having the police authority showed the report of the page 2009.

According to the text, the Industrial Revolution

also brought about some benefits.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

“Sugere-se que...” / “Sabe-se que...” / “Acredita-se que...”

Mark the option that provides a suitable translation into English for the expressions above.

  • A.

    It suggests that…/ It meets that.../ It believes that...

  • B.

    It is suggested that.../ It is known that.../ It is believed that…

  • C.

    It is a suggestion that… / It is met that… / It is accredited that…

  • D.

    By suggesting that…/ In knowing that … / If believing that…

  • E.

    One might suggest that…/ One knows that…/ One will believe that…

According to the text, the Industrial Revolution

impact on public dates back around 1760.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Choose the correct translation into English of the sentence

“O relatório foi enviado pelo órgão regulador.”

  • A.

    The report sent by the national regulator.

  • B.

    The report has sent by the regulator body.

  • C.

    The report was sent by the regulator organ.

  • D.

    The report has been sent by the organ regulating.

  • E.

    The report has been sent by the regulatory body.

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