Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Your answers to questions 21-24 must be based on the text below.

The most suitable headline for this text would be

  • A.

    BRICs attack the falling dollar.

  • B.

    BRICs summit advocates financial stability.

  • C.

    Emerging nations seek to set up new financial union.

  • D.

    BRICs in disarray over financial crisis.

  • E.

    Nations favour increased powers for the World Bank.

According to the text, judge the items from 111 through 118.

Scientists all over the world have always been concerned about humanizing the use of animals in scientific research.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The pronoun ‘it’ in paragraph 3 line 5 refers to

  • A. fear
  • B. greed
  • C. bubble
  • D. scraping
  • E. money

Your answers to questions 25-30 must be based on the text below entitled "Brazil boosts the dollar".

The title of the article suggests that the Brazilian government

  • A.

    intends to promote the value of the dollar.

  • B.

    is behaving imprudently.

  • C.

    has taken action to deflate the dollar.

  • D.

    has decided to shun the dollar.

  • E.

    is concerned about the over-valued dollar.

According to the text, judge the items from 111 through 118.

Restricting the use of animals, refining experiments as to minimise distress and replacing testing on animals with alternative techniques have become guiding principles in the use of animals in scientific research.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The writer of the book attempts to prove that money is

  • A. a serious cause of harm.
  • B. a vital resource in times of war.
  • C. essentially a question of surface bubbles.
  • D. at the root of all human advanced.
  • E. usually an expendable asset.

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 11 a 17, considere o texto abaixo.

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna [CONJUNCTION], no início do texto, é

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Your answers to questions 25-30 must be based on the text below entitled "Brazil boosts the dollar".

According to the text, last year the US currency

  • A.

    first rose, then fell when commodity prices were slashed.

  • B.

    outstripped both the Canadian dollar and the Brazilian real.

  • C.

    remained stable, despite fears of a market crisis.

  • D.

    first fell, then stabilized after commodity prices went up.

  • E.

    remained unaffected by the financial crisis.

According to the text, judge the items from 111 through 118.

Russell’s and Burch’s principles concerning the use of animals in scientific research have been fully observed.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The main message of the first paragraph is that

  • A. deforestation is less damaging to the environment than was traditionally believed.
  • B. vehicles driven by standard fuels are responsible for 17% of all CO2 emissions.
  • C. the statistics surrounding forest clearance are grossly exaggerated.
  • D. it is time to limit the CO2 emissions from the world’s fleet of cars and trucks.
  • E. forest clearance causes more CO2 emissions than all the world’s vehicles together.
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