Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Instruções: Para responder as questões de números 11 a 17, considere o texto abaixo.

In the text, soon-to-be exiting Core 2 Duos means that Core 2 Duos

  • A.

    will be manufactured soon.

  • B.

    will soon be discontinued.

  • C.

    have been in existence for a long time.

  • D.

    will replace older processors.

  • E.

    can compete with Intel's newest processors.

The extract “In America, chimpanzees are being used to develop a vaccine for hepatitis C because they are the only creatures, other than humans, to be afflicted by the disease” (l.29-32) can be correctly translated as

Na América, os chipanzés são seres usados para desenvolver uma vacina contra a hepatite C, pois eles são as únicas criaturas, além dos humanos, a serem afligidas pela doença.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

According to the text, it is possible to conclude that

  • A.

    PETROBRAS took less than a month to find out the full potential of this deep-water field.

  • B.

    PETROBRAS made public the new field contained five to eight billion barrels of crude oil.

  • C.

    PETROBRAS’ new discovery will cause the end of Brazilian diplomatic relations with Venezuela.

  • D.

    Brazil will soon surpass Mexico and Canada in terms of oil reserves.

  • E.

    Brazil could move to the third position in the so called “energy pecking order of the Americas” (l.18) in less than a decade.

Instruções: Para responder as questões de números 11 a 17, considere o texto abaixo.

A synonym for While (highlighted in the one before last paragraph), as used in the text, is

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Based on the text, it can be deduced that

  • A.

    Brazil has turned out to be rather aggressive against the use of alternative energy.

  • B.

    suddenly Brazil became an energy power.

  • C.

    Brazil is a lucky country, to the extent that whatever it plants it becomes a success.

  • D.

    Brazil will get a new influence against energy players beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  • E.

    Brazil as well as Venezuela and Bolivia are energy players.

Instruções: Para responder as questões de números 11 a 17, considere o texto abaixo.

Segundo o texto,

  • A.

    apesar da recessão, já foram anunciados alguns produtos novos a serem lançados na CES deste ano.

  • B.

    os laptops e netbooks a serem lançados na CES 2010 não mais terão processadores Intel.

  • C.

    o processador Atom dos netbooks será substituído por processadores mais eficientes em termos de consumo de energia.

  • D.

    as baterias dos netbooks, a serem lançados na CES, terão um desempenho de no máximo 10 horas úteis.

  • E.

    todos os novos Smartbooks virão com um processador Qualcomm em vez do antigo Intel.

From the text, it is possible to infer that

  • A.

    Lula is supposed to follow the approach to oil wealth as that of Mr. Chávez.

  • B.

    Mr. Chávez spoke seriously when he called president Lula an “oil magnate” (l.47).

  • C.

    Mr. Chávez praised the joint effort they had made to create an Amazonian energy region.

  • D.

    Mr. Chávez is taking strong action to try to promote the Caribbean and Andean integration.

  • E.

    Brazil new deep-water oil field will disturb the present position of South America energy producers.

Instruções: Para responder as questões de números 11 a 17, considere o texto abaixo.

De acordo com o texto,

  • A.

    o custo estimado dos novos Smartbooks será de pouco mais de US$200.00.

  • B.

    Smartbooks, tablets e MIDs são diferentes termos para o mesmo produto.

  • C.

    os tablets podem dispensar os teclados convencionais.

  • D.

    a revolução dos netbooks está ameaçando a existência dos desktops.

  • E.

    os processadores e os chips das placas-mãe dos netbooks não podem ser usados nos pequenos PCs nettops.

“abroad” (l.36) refers to

  • A.

    strange countries.

  • B.

    on board.

  • C.


  • D.

    one’s country.

  • E.

    foreign countries.

In the fragment “Besides, to encourage conservation, Cuba introduced a new residential electrical tariff.” (lines 36-37), besides can be substituted by

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.

    as a result.

  • D.

    in addition.

  • E.


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