Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

When the suggestions “are aimed at reducing stress” (lines 4- 5), this means they intend to

  • A.

    cut it out.

  • B.

    cut it down.

  • C.

    cut it up.

  • D.

    cut it off.

  • E.

    cut is loose.

The main purpose of this text is to

  • A. report on a new kind of fuel that might harm the environment
  • B. advertise the recent findings of chemical engineers concerning gasoline components.
  • C. criticize the latest research on biofuels that could not find a relevant alternative to oil.
  • D. justify why corn ethanol and soy biodiesel are the best alternatives to standard gasoline.
  • E. announce a significant advance in the development of an eco friendly fuel that may impact the market.

Based on the text, it can be concluded that

a foreign language environment is that one found by a Brazilian learning English in the USA.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Read the text below entitled "External Audit" in order to answer questions 54 to 56:

In paragraph 1, the text informs that an annual report for the Council and the European Parliament

  • A. may be written.
  • B. should have been produced.
  • C. must be created.
  • D. is produced.
  • E. could be analyzed.

When you “avoid culture-bound clichés” (lines 6-7) you

  • A.

    indulge in them.

  • B.

    try to use them.

  • C.

    challenge them.

  • D.

    misunderstand them.

  • E.

    keep away from them.

According to the text, it is NOT correct to affirm that green gasoline

  • A. is cheaper to produce than ethanol.
  • B. derives from vegetables and plants.
  • C. can already be used in jet airplanes.
  • D. requires much less energy to make than ethanol.
  • E. results in smaller amounts of carbon emissions than ethanol.

In the text,

"much" (l.1) can be replaced by many.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Read the text below entitled "External Audit" in order to answer questions 54 to 56:

The closing line of the text reports that the Court of Auditors is entitled to access all the documents in case. Therefore, it

  • A. holds the legal right to access them.
  • B. must obtain approval to look into them.
  • C. has to seek legal permission from the EU.
  • D. is the provider of all the papers in question.
  • E. is held accountable for their safety.

The expression fall flat in “references may well fall flat” (line 7) means the references may be

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


In the sentence “‘It is likely that the future consumer will not even know that they are putting biofuels into their car,’” (lines 16-17), “It is likely that” could be substituted by

  • A. Surely.
  • B. Certainly.
  • C. Probably.
  • D. Obviously.
  • E. Undoubtedly.
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