Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2008
In the text,
"those" (l.13) refers to "contexts" (l.13).
Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:
In paragraph 1, tackling corruption and the increase of national incomes are described as
The modal verb in that may not carry . (line12) indicates a
The item themselves (line 27) refers to
Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:
When the text states that translators resort to cumbersome wordplay and workaround (lines 13-14), it implies that translators ultimately
get rid of them.
make use of them.
look down on them.
get tired of them.
run out of them.
Which alternative contains a correct correspondence of meaning?
Read the text below entitled "Tackling Corruption for Growth and Development" in order to answer questions 57 - 60:
According to the text, the effect of corruption on the decisions made by democratically elected governments is that these decisions
The underlined expression in putting the UK economy on a sound footing (lines 16-17) can be replaced by
solid base.
predictable path.
unstable position.
hectic pace.
frail structure.
Mark the sentence in which the idea introduced by the word in bold type is correctly described.
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