Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
According to the text above, it can be concluded that
trade-off (l.16) means a giving up of one thing in return for another.Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2005
According to the text above, it can be concluded that
there is nothing to praise as far as second term mayors are concerned.Read the text below, which is entitled ''Another country'', in order to answer questions 21 to 23.
Another country Jul 21st 2005 (Adapted)
No matter where one goes in Argentina these days, evidence of the country?s remarkable economic recovery is hard to avoid. Since its collapse in 2001-02, Argentina?s economy has grown by a quarter. According to government estimates, it has finally surpassed its previous peak of May 1998. In another sign that the worst is over, on July 18th the government issued dollar bonds for the first time since its massive debt default in 2001. But while the economy may have recovered its former size, it is different in many ways. Some of the imbalances of the 1990s have been fixed: budget deficits have turned into surpluses; devaluation has ignited exports; and the public debt has been restructured.
The author refers to Argentina's recovery as
likely to happen.
already taking place.
on the verge of beginning.
unlikely to occur.
being severely criticized.
Read the text below, which is entitled ''Another country'', in order to answer questions 21 to 23.
Another country Jul 21st 2005 (Adapted)
No matter where one goes in Argentina these days, evidence of the country?s remarkable economic recovery is hard to avoid. Since its collapse in 2001-02, Argentina?s economy has grown by a quarter. According to government estimates, it has finally surpassed its previous peak of May 1998. In another sign that the worst is over, on July 18th the government issued dollar bonds for the first time since its massive debt default in 2001. But while the economy may have recovered its former size, it is different in many ways. Some of the imbalances of the 1990s have been fixed: budget deficits have turned into surpluses; devaluation has ignited exports; and the public debt has been restructured.
In relation to Argentina's budget deficits, the text states that theymay change into surpluses.
ought to be looked into.
have been dealt with.
must become surpluses.
have been deepened.
As questões de números 16 a 20 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
Segundo o texto, a Intel
continua restringindo sua participação no mercado de informática à fabricação de componentes para computadores.
já está cogitando lançar um computador com sua própria marca.
está deixando de fabricar computadores para se dedicar cada vez mais ao desenvolvimento de componentes e aplicativos.
criou novos centros de desenvolvimento exclusivamente para projetar e fabricar computadores de operação mais simples a fim de atender à demanda dos mercados emergentes.
vai desenvolver modelos e protótipos de computadores para atender a necessidades específicas de países em desenvolvimento, mas não os fabricará.
Read the text below, which is entitled ''Another country'', in order to answer questions 21 to 23.
Another country Jul 21st 2005 (Adapted)
No matter where one goes in Argentina these days, evidence of the country?s remarkable economic recovery is hard to avoid. Since its collapse in 2001-02, Argentina?s economy has grown by a quarter. According to government estimates, it has finally surpassed its previous peak of May 1998. In another sign that the worst is over, on July 18th the government issued dollar bonds for the first time since its massive debt default in 2001. But while the economy may have recovered its former size, it is different in many ways. Some of the imbalances of the 1990s have been fixed: budget deficits have turned into surpluses; devaluation has ignited exports; and the public debt has been restructured.
According to the text,Argentina's exports have been sparked.
Argentina's economic recovery should have been averted.
Argentina's economy grew by a quarter in 2001-02.
Argentina should be able to grow by a quarter.
Argentina's public debt remains untouched.
In the text above,
"In addition" (l..7) means furthermore.
As questões de números 16 a 20 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
De acordo com o texto,
mais de 70% da receita da Intel provém de mercados estrangeiros.
a Intel está procurando expandir seu mercado interno nos Estados Unidos.
a Índia é um dos mercados emergentes que já lançou computadores que funcionam com baterias de carro.
os computadores dos cybercafés brasileiros são mais fáceis de operar do que os da China, graças a um aplicativo especial criado pela Intel.
os centros de definição que a Intel está criando têm por objetivo redistribuir a renda da empresa, aumentando a participação dos mercados estrangeiro.
Read the text below, which is entitled ''Man with a Mission'', in order to answer questions 24 to 26.
In paragraph no.1, the author outlines Britain's determination
to nix its EU budget rebate.
to negotiate its EU budget rebate.
not to accept its EU budget rebate.
to safeguard its EU budget rebate.
to call off its EU budget rebate.
As questões de números 16 a 20 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
Segundo o texto,
a renda per capita tem aumentado bastante nos últimos anos nos países de economia emergente.
uma região pode vir a se beneficiar de idéias desenvolvidas em outra região, se for o caso.
o fato de a Índia ter apenas 14 computadores por 1000 habitantes é a razão de ela ter sido colocada como mercado prioritário nos projetos da Intel.
o objetivo maior da Intel, em relação aos seus centros de definição, é que desenvolvam componentes de baixo custo para atender às necessidades dos países cuja economia ainda não está estabilizada.
a Intel está segura de que atrairá mais 5 bilhões de consumidores se conseguir desenvolver componentes mais baratos.
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