Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Ratzinger's words in paragraph 5 suggest that

  • A.

    angry voices from the faithful should be heard in defense of Christianity.

  • B.

    the church has to conform to the needs of modern civilization.

  • C.

    faithlessness will be overcome by the ordination of new priests.

  • D.

    the church must preach tolerance to reconquer Europe for Christ.

  • E.

    the formation of groups of committed believers should promote the ideals of Christianity.

Before the annual budget was announced, Labour supporters had hoped it would

  • A. redeem the chancellor's reputation.
  • B. be free from grand economic gestures.
  • C. bring new life to their election campaign.
  • D. overcome the large budget deficit.
  • E. contain only easily achievable proposals.

Atenção: As questões de números 16 a 20 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Assinale a afirmativa que NÃO está de acordo com o texto:

A falha de segurança no W2000

  • A.

    permite a execução de um código malicioso a partir de uma máquina remota.

  • B.

    envolve um problema na forma como a biblioteca webvw.dll valida os metadados dos documentos.

  • C.

    permite a execução de rotinas de comandos assim que o arquivo malicioso é selecionado.

  • D.

    só pode ser explorada a partir da execução de um arquivo malicioso.

  • E.

    pode ser explorada via Windows Explorer ou outros programas.

In paragraph 6, Eamon Duffy claims that Ratzinger's words at Subiaco

  • A.

    will certainly forster Christianity all over the world.

  • B.

    will provoke a surprisingly strong following all over Europe.

  • C.

    will make church and people stand together.

  • D.

    may wreck the relation between Church and people.

  • E.

    will make believers feel quite uncomfortable in their isolated rectitude.

The author refers to the deficit built up over the last three years and its

  • A. encouraging results.
  • B. lack of repercussion.
  • C. worrying causes.
  • D. limiting effect.
  • E. coming solution.

The item which refers to the series in which all the words or phrases belong to the same part of speech is

  • A.

    completely (line 8); closely (line 11); hazy (line 19); truly (line 49).

  • B.

    outlined (line 12); no-holds-barred (line 31); inverted (line 47); isolated (line 49).

  • C.

    faithful (line 2); teachings (line 12); faithlessness (line 42); hopes (line 49).

  • D.

    that (line 5); that (line 19); that (line 33); that (line 41).

  • E.

    while (line 7); As (line 14); who (line 16); What (line 29).

In relation to a tax rise after the general election, Mr Brown

  • A. saw it as a political threat which was overcome.
  • B. managed to persuade voters to support it.
  • C. intended to lessen the voters' worries about it.
  • D. succeeded in avoiding its negative impact on voters.
  • E. is going to fail in his attempts to implement it.

Choose the item which presents a feature which is not compatible with the Communicative Approach.

  • A.

    Students regularly work in groups or pairs to transfer and negotiate meaning in situations where one person has information that the others lack.

  • B.

    Conversation is centered around topical dialogues with a great deal of drilling activities and emphasis on pronunciation.

  • C.

    Classroom materials and activities are often authentic to reflect real-life situations and demands.

  • D.

    Skills are integrated from the very beginning; a given activity might involve reading, speaking, listening and writing.

  • E.

    It is assumed that the content of a language course will include semantic notions and social functions as well as linguistic structures.

Mr Brown's approach to his own economic achievements is marked by

  • A. lack of vision.
  • B. undeniable optimism.
  • C. harmful modesty.
  • D. undesirable pessimism.
  • E. boundless self-confidence.

Instruções: Para responder às questões de números 56 a 60, utilize o texto abaixo.

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é

  • A. worked.
  • B. functioned.
  • C. let.
  • D. run.
  • E. furnished.
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