Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

For questions 21-24 below, choose the answer which best fits the ideas in the text.



The picture of the current Brazilian economy given by this article is

  • A.

    highly optimistic.

  • B.

    guardedly hopeful.

  • C.

    unremittingly positive.

  • D.

    faintly negative.

  • E.

    distinctly bleak.

Read the following passage and choose the option that best answers the questions 01 to 05.

One of the aims of teaching grammar:

  • A. seems to be making learners stop making errors;
  • B. has to do with the speed of the learning process
  • C. seems to be informing the learners about the communicative use of language structures;
  • D. has to do with sociolinguistics;
  • E. has been in question for the past few years.

For questions 25-27 below, choose the answer which best fits the ideas in the text.

According to the text, G21 is a group involved in trade talks, and it aims to

  • A.

    bring up new trump cards in Mexico negotiations.

  • B.

    offset the bargaining power of the USA and the EU.

  • C.

    shore up the power of the WTO to do deals.

  • D.

    lead over 100 countries to victory in the talks.

  • E.

    enhance the power of Brazil internationally.

For questions 25-27 below, choose the answer which best fits the ideas in the text.

In relation to Brazil, the G 21 is expected to

  • A.

    reinforce the President's left-wing tendencies.

  • B.

    override national decisions of smaller powers.

  • C.

    make it the leading voice in the WTO.

  • D.

    leave it on the fringes of the conference.

  • E.

    bring additional prestige to the country.

For questions 21-24 below, choose the answer which best fits the ideas in the text.

According to the text, a think tank recently caused the government some embarrassment by predicting

  • A.

    lower growth than most other economists had forecast.

  • B.

    cynicism over the government's tax reform program.

  • C.

    one of the highest tax burdens in the world.

  • D.

    stubbornly high interest rates for bank loans.

  • E.

    further cuts in the national interest rates for loans

For questions 21-24 below, choose the answer which best fits the ideas in the text.

The advantage of the proposed tax reform measures is

  • A.

    particularly fast progress through Congress.

  • B.

    a proposed 41.7% reduction in taxation.

  • C.

    a welcome simplification of the tax system.

  • D.

    the prospect of controlling high inflation.

  • E.

    further political support for the government

For questions 21-24 below, choose the answer which best fits the ideas in the text.

According to the last section of the text, taxation will only be reduced if

  • A.

    there are strong signs of growing inflation.

  • B.

    Congress passes the new taxation reform bill.

  • C.

    Brazil's economy goes nowhere soon.

  • D.

    the sum needed to meet public debt is reduced.

  • E.

    income tax bills cease to be such a heavy burden.

Para responder às questões de números 51 a 53, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado.

  • A. no
  • B. any
  • C. some
  • D. many
  • E. small

Leia o texto abaixo para responder as questões de 58 a 70

Para responder às questões de números 58 a 70, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado.

  • A. then
  • B. because
  • C. however
  • D. why
  • E. so

Para responder às questões de números 51 a 53, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado.

  • A. which
  • B. that
  • C. where
  • D. when
  • E. whose
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