Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Para responder às questões de números 54 a 58, considere o texto abaixo.

When the author states that all old technology he has bought has found a place in his work, he is referring to its

  • A. profits.
  • B. usefulness.
  • C. measurements.
  • D. outdated technology.
  • E. good price.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 31 to 33:

A detailed spending program

  • A.

    should have been analyzed by the Planning Ministry.

  • B.

    is on the point of being provided.

  • C.

    will be requested by the congressmen.

  • D.

    could be released by the Planning Ministry.

  • E.

    was announced last week.

Para responder às questões de números 54 a 58, considere o texto abaixo.

Segundo o texto, a esposa do autor

  • A.

    tem um computador de última geração.

  • B.

    não gosta do computador portátil que tem.

  • C.

    não quis um computador mais moderno.

  • D.

    exigiu do marido um computador mais robusto.

  • E.

    tem um computador que já não lhe serve.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 34 to 36:

According to the text, results-oriented contracts, projects and programs

  • A.

    used to be quite effective in public administration.

  • B.

    constitute outdated administrative procedures.

  • C.

    are being experimented with so as to be implemented.

  • D.

    are on the verge of being implemented.

  • E.

    were adopted only a few decades ago.

Para responder às questões de números 54 a 58, considere o texto abaixo.

O pronome it, em until it dies, refere-se a

  • A. Libretto.
  • B. Windows 95.
  • C.

    Word 2000.

  • D.

    Compaq printer.

  • E.

    Compaq 386SX.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 34 to 36:

The author claims that horizontal organizations

  • A.

    have been completely reached by the public agencies.

  • B.

    were reached by the public sector several decades ago.

  • C.

    will take time to be fully implemented by the public services.

  • D.

    might be accomplished by the public services this decade.

  • E.

    will be achieved only in the private sector this decade.

Para responder às questões de números 54 a 58, considere o texto abaixo.

Segundo o texto, o autor

  • A.

    recusa-se a atualizar seu equipamento.

  • B.

    acha que não devemos atualizar nossas ferramentas enquanto servirem a nossos objetivos.

  • C.

    acredita que devemos manter nossos equipamentos sempre atualizados para obter melhor rendimento.

  • D.

    escreveu uma série de matérias jornalísticas usando um Compaq 386SX.

  • E.

    perdeu um laptop de 2.000 dólares porque o disco rígido "morreu" de repente.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 34 to 36:

According to the author, budget management of organizational structures is

  • A.

    an innovative procedure.

  • B.

    not a newly-devised procedure.

  • C.

    a newly-created tool.

  • D.

    not suitable for the public sector.

  • E.

    going to be replaced by updated tools.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 37 to 40:

According to the text, public administration and the use of information are

  • A.

    intimately linked.

  • B.

    mutually exclusive.

  • C.

    actually dissociated.

  • D.

    rarely bonded.

  • E.

    seldom interdependent.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 37 to 40:

According to the author, Brazil

  • A.

    will be using the communication technologies soon.

  • B.

    was a pioneer in terms of communication technologies.

  • C.

    must start using communication technologies.

  • D.

    could be actually using communication technologies.

  • E.

    is already using communication technologies.

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