Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
One can say about South Korea that
it had a six-day war.
it has an agrarian economy.
it helped the gross domestic product.
its economy relies on services, manufacturing, and industry
Atenção: As questões de números 91 a 95 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
Ainda segundo o texto,
The only piece of information not mentioned in the 4th paragraph of the text is in alternative
The countries that joined the European Union changed its working hours because
they were communist.
they created more jobs
their workers earned less.
they increased productivity.
Atenção: As questões de números 96 a 100 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
O texto pode ser sintetizado na seguinte oposição:
The expression bone-dry (l. 9) should be understood as
When a country becomes more developed
work hours decreases.
there is a lot of competition.
people tend to work more.
there is a lot of productivity.
So the governments told the countrys menfolk to shed their ties (l. 11-12)
The s in governments is the
France and Germany cut work hours to
cultivate wealth.
limit productivity
increase the number of working places.
give employees more leisure time
Its stated in the text that, in Japan,
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