Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

One can say about South Korea that

  • A.

    it had a six-day war.

  • B.

    it has an agrarian economy.

  • C.

    it helped the gross domestic product.

  • D.

    its economy relies on services, manufacturing, and industry


Atenção: As questões de números 91 a 95 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Ainda segundo o texto,

  • A. com a retenção do imposto de renda sobre salários na fonte, o número de contribuintes subiu para 60 milhões em dois anos.
  • B. a maior arrecadação na história dos Estados Unidos deu-se em 1981.
  • C. a tabela progressiva de imposto de renda só entrou em vigor em 1943.
  • D. o Agente Fiscal de Rendas, quando o cargo foi criado nos Estados Unidos, não tinha autoridade para processar o infrator.
  • E. a 16a Emenda à Constituição Americana não passou de mais uma tentativa frustrada de fazer o imposto de renda incidir tanto sobre os ganhos de pessoas físicas quanto jurídicas.

The only piece of information not mentioned in the 4th paragraph of the text is in alternative

  • A. Chile depends a lot on energy generated with the use of flowing water.
  • B. Chile isn’t known as a producer of oil and gas.
  • C. During the summer, the supply of hydro-electric power in Chile isn’t enough to cope with people’s demands.
  • D. To compensate for its lack of oil and gas, the Chilean government plans to invest heavily in alternative energy.
  • E. There are usually long periods without rainfall during the Chilean summers.

The countries that joined the European Union changed its working hours because

  • A.

    they were communist.

  • B.

    they created more jobs

  • C.

    their workers earned less.

  • D.

    they increased productivity.

Atenção: As questões de números 96 a 100 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

O texto pode ser sintetizado na seguinte oposição:

  • A. Tax evasion is acceptable conduct. Tax avoidance is contravention.
  • B. Tax evaded remains due. Tax avoided is not due.
  • C. Tax evasion implies fiscal debt. Tax avoidance implies legally reduced debt.
  • D. Tax evasion is tax paid. Tax avoidance is tax not paid.
  • E. Tax evaded can be returned. Tax avoided cannot be returned.

The expression “bone-dry” (l. 9) should be understood as

  • A. completely free of moisture.
  • B. slightly humid.
  • C. extremely hot.
  • D. soaking wet.
  • E. very wet.

When a country becomes more developed

  • A.

    work hours decreases.

  • B.

    there is a lot of competition.

  • C.

    people tend to work more.

  • D.

    there is a lot of productivity.

“So the government’s told the country’s menfolk to shed their ties” (l. 11-12)

The’ s in “government’s” is the

  • A. contraction of is.
  • B. contraction of was.
  • C. contraction of has.
  • D. plural ending.
  • E. genitive case.

France and Germany cut work hours to

  • A.

    cultivate wealth.

  • B.

    limit productivity

  • C.

    increase the number of working places.

  • D.

    give employees more leisure time

It’s stated in the text that, in Japan,

  • A. the young population is on the rise.
  • B. rural communities are getting very crowded.
  • C. there’s a growing number of old people.
  • D. most young people would like to go on living in the countryside.
  • E. the elderly people who live in the rural area can’t wait to move to the city.
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