Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

"She was invited to the home of an Australian friend" (l.2-3) is the same as

  • A.

    an Australian friend had invited her.

  • B.

    an Australian friend invited her.

  • C.

    an Australian friend has invited her.

  • D.

    an Australian friend was going to invite her.

Based on the text, it is correct to affirm that

  • A.

    the Chinese woman put the gift aside because she was not particularly fond of it.

  • B.

    birthday gifts must always be opened in the privacy of one's own home.

  • C.

    in China, people are not supposed to open up gifts.

  • D.

    the Chinese woman was expected to unwrap the present in front of her Australian friend.

According to the text, it can be deduced that

  • A.

    teaching-learning a foreign language should come together with becoming acquainted with its culture.

  • B.

    culture should be a universal dogma so as to avoid misunderstandings among people.

  • C.

    peoples from Asia and from the New Continent share the same cultural background.

  • D.

    Chinese and Australian people may make similar mistakes concerning gift giving.

Based on the text, it can be concluded that

  • A.

    gift giving is one of the key items to be taught only in China.

  • B.

    the nature of the gift is the most crucial concern one ought to consider while choosing a present to be given to someone.

  • C.

    at first, the Chinese woman did not recognize she was making a mistake.

  • D.

    it is important to avoid giving umbrellas in Australia.

According to the picture, mark the correct option.

  • A.

    The scene takes place in a western country.

  • B.

    The clock was given by a Chinese.

  • C.

    Six dark-haired people can be seen in the picture.

  • D.

    People are standing up.

"did" (l.11) indicates

  • A.

    an interrogative-negative form.

  • B.

    a negative form.

  • C.

    an interrogative form.

  • D.

    an inversion after a negative adverb.

In the text, "to be concerned" (l.28) is the same as

  • A.

    to be afraid.

  • B.

    to be conscious.

  • C.

    to be worried.

  • D.

    to be used to.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

  • A.

    As to gift giving, practices in Japan and China are entirely similar.

  • B.

    In China and in Japan, to give presents is something rather important.

  • C.

    If you are invited to a Japanese home, you'd better take a gift sometimes.

  • D.

    In China and in Japan, to give gifts used to be a way to provide a convenient excuse.

"have just seen" (l.26) is the same as

  • A.

    is yet to be seen.

  • B.

    haven't seen yet.

  • C.

    have already seen.

  • D.

    have seen a moment ago.

According to the text, mark the correct option.

  • A.

    What we dreamt about computers in the past will be a reality in the future.

  • B.

    Gregory Dudek teaches computer science at the high school level.

  • C.

    The first computers were rather convenient.

  • D.

    Nowadays, computers are not as small as they used to be in the past.

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