Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2008 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Nowadays, computers are not as small as they used to be in the past.

  • A.

    it is easy to foresee precisely the year when robots will become smaller.

  • B.

    as computers are getting smaller, so are robots.

  • C.

    only in recent years has industry started using robots.

  • D.

    changes in computers will take place this evening.

Considering what is stated in the text, it is correct to infer that

  • A.

    future robots will no longer remind us of humans at all.

  • B.

    present robots look entirely like human beings.

  • C.

    in the future, robots won't be so much alike humans as they look today.

  • D.

    today, robots resemble the humans as they will in the future.

From the text, it can be concluded that

  • A.

    in years to come, robots are thought to do some of the domestic tasks.

  • B.

    researchers are sure that robots will do all the domestic chores.

  • C.

    robots will solely perform house cleaning.

  • D.

    robots will be fed by dirty insects.

It can be inferred from the text that

  • A.

    robots will substitute for men as companions.

  • B.

    a robotic dog can do the same actions as an ordinary dog.

  • C.

    a robotic dog is an example of how future pets can be.

  • D.

    robotic dogs can answer back to human talking.

The text leads us to deduce that

  • A.

    Pepe stands for mobile personal pet.

  • B.

    in due course of time, Pepe will replace peoples parents.

  • C.

    robotic pets can do some of the things you want them to do.

  • D.

    robotic pets need the same kind of care as ordinary dogs.

Taking the text into consideration, it can be concluded that

  • A.

    it is not believed that robots might be used as servants.

  • B.

    there is a restaurant in London where robots can utter a sentence.

  • C.

    robots won't ever replace human beings.

  • D.

    robots will be up to any kind of job.

In the text, "looking for" (l.10) means

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


In the text, "do" (l.17) refers to

  • A.

    "robots" (l.15).

  • B.

    "as much as" (l.16-17).

  • C.

    "humans" (l.16).

  • D.

    "resemble" (l.16).

In the text, "drudgery" (l.40) means

  • A.

    hard boring job.

  • B.

    difficult specialised work.

  • C.

    easy pleasant task.

  • D.

    interesting dynamic activity.

According to the text, judge the following items.

People should care less for security problems.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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