Lista completa de Questões sobre Gramática para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Gramática - Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN) - 2015
Choose the item that does NOT belong in the group.
Língua Inglesa - Gramática - Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN) - 2015
In They had passed Philadelphia a long time ago the verb tense is a:
Língua Inglesa - Gramática - Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN) - 2015
In ...the train was approaching New York a gerund is used as a/an
Based on the text How India changed English, judge the following items.
The words highlights (l.16), and unlikely (l.20) can be correctly and respectively replaced by draws attention to and improbable.Based on the text How India changed English, judge the following items.
In the excerpt Hobson-Jobson: The Definitive Glossary of British India was published in 1886 (l. 7 and 8), was published can be correctly replaced by has been published.Based on the cartoon, judge the following items.
The sentence That site verified my age by having me type in all my credit card information can be correctly rewritten by: This site guessed how many years I have because I sent them my credit card data.In reference to the vocabulary used in the text What do our flags say about us?, judge the next items.
In the sentence Each one will be considered individually, before this long list is finally whittled down to the final four. (l. 19 to 21), whittled down can be correctly replaced by selected.In reference to the vocabulary used in the text What do our flags say about us?, judge the next items.
squeezed into (l.2) and tough (l.8) help to express the authors view that it is difficult to create a flag to represent a nation. Todas as palavras abaixo, retiradas do texto, são formadas por sufixação, EXCETO
The internet is creating a similar language evolution, but at a much faster pace. (Linha 12) Os adjetivos na língua inglesa variam em grau quando se deseja comparar ou intensificar as características e qualidades dos seres.
A frase acima apresenta uma variação que pode ser chamada de
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