Lista completa de Questões sobre Gramática para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
losing the double l from words such as traveller (Linha 7)
As linking words são geralmente utilizadas para conectar ideias e dar coerência ao parágrafo. Na frase acima, a expressão sublinhada expressa:
The adjective best (l. 20) is the superlative degree of
Fill in the blanks with interrogative words (WH-questions)
A. ____ was Voyager 1 sent into space? Thirty-six years ago.
B. ____ was Voyager 1 sent into space? To study other planets.
C. ____ is it from Earth now? Twelve billion miles.
D. ____ is it expected to last? Ten years at the most.
According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
Considering vocabulary used in the text, the only word or expression which is not correctly defined on the right is in alternative
Considering verb forms used in the text, its correct to say:
Complete the sentences with the correct verb. My mom said she doesn't want me _____________ you anymore.
Complete the sentences with the correct verb. We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us __________ the bus.
According to the text above, judge the following items.
In the text, the word smoothly (l.13) means cautiously. In Its dared men faster, further
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The word aims (l.9) can be correctly replaced with goals.{TITLE}
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