Lista completa de Questões sobre Gramática para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Complete the sentences with the correct interrogative pronouns:
I. _______ are these people?
II. _______ have you been? I looked for you all over!
III. ___________ cheese would you like?
Fill in the blanks with for or since:
I. I have been waiting at the airport _____ hours.
II. I haven´t seen him ______ 2015.
III. He hasn´t gone to the doctors ____ ages because he doesn´t like it.
Complete the following sentences with some or any.
I. I want to buy ________ games.
II. Have you got _________ kids?
III. Would you like _________ cake?
Put the verbs in the correct verb to suit the sentences:
I. One of the children __________ when the bell ___________.
II. The maid ____________ by the time the boss ___________.
What is the plural of the following nouns?
I. One wolf six __________.
II. One boy twelve _________.
III. One strawberry three _________.
Questions 42-46 refer to the text below.
Complete the sentence:
Susan ........................... that she could not attend classes next month.
told her professors
said her professors
told to her professors
would told her professors
will told
Choose the right ending for the following sentence. The committee met yesterday and .............................
its decided was reached
they will reached a decision
it has reached a decision
reaching a decision
didn't reached a decision
Choose the right ending for the following sentence. This month will be difficult for the company because .............................
they have less workers and fewer money
they have many money and workers than
last month it did not have as few and little workers and money
it has less money and fewer workers than it had last month
they will had less money than last month
Choose the correct word: His boss should have ................... him not to use the company phone.
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