Lista completa de Questões sobre Gramática para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Para responder às questões de números 51 a 57, considere o texto abaixo.
A forma correta para preencher a lacuna I é
Atenção: As questões de números 91 a 95 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
A forma correta de [TO GIVE] no texto é
Para responder às questões de números 51 a 57, considere o texto abaixo.
No texto, os dois períodos I didn't think it was worth $500 e I made it in a week estabelecem uma relação que poderia ser expressa por
Atenção: As questões de números 91 a 95 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
Atenção: As questões de números 96 a 100 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
A forma verbal correta de [TO GENERATE] no texto é
Atenção: As questões de números 96 a 100 referem-se ao texto abaixo.
No texto, after a tax return has been filed pode ser traduzido como
Read the text below in order to answer questions 16 to 20:
According to the Brazilian President, a small group of nations
should get together in Doha.
was supposed to meet in England
should make the major decisions
could be making the major decisions.
has been making most decisions.
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26 to 30
According to the text, Presidents Bush and Cardoso
might have met
have already met.
must have met
could have met
should have met.
Brazil's Northeast is attracting the most interest on part of national and international investors because it is undoubtedly one of the region's that has shown the greatest potential when it comes to development of new businesses. Over the last few years, a greater and greater number of investors have turned to the Northeast. This has been reflected in the region's growth rate. From 1990 to 1999, for example, the Northeast's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 3.1%, compared to the national average of 2.51%. Business groups from the most diverse sectors have been quick to set up office in the region with plans for expansion.
Adapted from:
Answer questions 016 to 021 according to TEXT I.
The economic potential of Brazil's Northeast _______________ discovered.
urges to be
is yet to be
has never been
has already been
Brazil's Northeast is attracting the most interest on part of national and international investors because it is undoubtedly one of the region's that has shown the greatest potential when it comes to development of new businesses. Over the last few years, a greater and greater number of investors have turned to the Northeast. This has been reflected in the region's growth rate. From 1990 to 1999, for example, the Northeast's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 3.1%, compared to the national average of 2.51%. Business groups from the most diverse sectors have been quick to set up office in the region with plans for expansion.
Adapted from:
Answer questions 016 to 021 according to TEXT I.
The Northeast's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded ___________ the national average during the 1990's.
less than
more than
as much as
much less than
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