Lista completa de Questões sobre Interpretação de Texto para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Read the text below which is entitled "Small Steps for Big Results" in order to answer questions 30 to 32.
The text refers to research
carried out by scientists in the United States.
into a traditional approach to address addictions.
likely to be conducted over the next 30 years.
into the growing lack of scientific evidence.
derived from unreliable sources in the USA.
Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.
Read the text below which is entitled "Small Steps for Big Results" in order to answer questions 30 to 32.
The author defines loneliness and depression as being epidemic in our culture, which means that these feelings are
subject to continuous studies.
affecting many people.
suffered by ethnic minorities.
restricted to developing countries.
not experienced on a large scale.
Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.
não era necessário mais nenhum outro requisito.
The statement "Native speakers may feel the language 'belongs' to them," (lines 24-25) means that native speakers:
possibly think that they are the only ones that can change the language.
insist on making all decisions concerning language policy.
do not want English to be learned as a second language.
tend to believe languages should not be used by non-native speakers.
probably refuse to learn English as a foreign language.
Read the text below which is entitled "Small Steps for Big Results" in order to answer questions 30 to 32.
The author proposes the attainment of changes
which are meant to be temporary, but effective.
in today's medical procedures and interventions.
in people's unprofessional conduct.
which have an effect for a long period of time.
in prescriptions inadequately given by doctors.
Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.
A partir de if this bill had been in place in February 2005 (9o parágrafo), entende-se que
Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.
No texto, o verbo argue (10o parágrafo) deve ser traduzido como
Atenção: Considere o texto abaixo para responder às questões de números 51 a 60.
Segundo o texto,
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2006
Based on the text, judge the following items.
Science and technology now play an important role in international diplomacy the same way as uncountable other emerging matters do.
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