Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Escola de Administração Fazendária (ESAF) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Your answers to questions 23 to 27 must be based on the review below, which is entitled "Illusions of Empire: Defining the New American Order".
One of the author's fears in relation to the American military empire is that it wil
forbid opposition
disguise any opposition
cause opposition.
deter necessary opposition
prevent healthy opposition.
Your answers to questions 28 to 32 must be based on the text below, which is entitled "Sharon pushes ahead, regardless":
The "Quartet" is the group "that drew up the nowtattered road map" towards peace between Israel and the Palestinians. In other words, a "road map" which is
currently under discussion.
subject to heavy criticism
in very bad condition
now viable
at last feasible
Read the text below in order to answer questions 38 to 40:
"should have taught that splitting families makes for bad politics."
Deveria ter ensinado
Poderia ter ensinado
Deverá ensinar
Teria ensinado
Terá ensinado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 38 to 40:
"George Bush has tightened the rules on contacts between Cuban-Americans and their families back on the island
George Bush tem aprimorado as regras
George Bush restringiu as regras
George Bush modificará as regras
George Bush tem expandido as regras
George Bush oficializou as regras.
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21 to 24:
In paragraph 2, Germany and France are referred to as
countries which have failed to follow fiscal rules.
leading forces within the European Central Bank.
countries which brought their deficits below 3%.
members of a coming European Union.
countries whose fiscal balance is remarkable.
Your answers to questions 21 to 25 must be based on the text below:
According to the text, "America can no longer propel the global economy". In other words, America can no longer
Your answers to questions 21 to 25 must be based on the text below:
Within the alternatives below, which one presents the options that correctly convey the meaning of the following underlined phrasal verbs:
"Consumers have stepped up their spending; the housing market is still sizzling; even manufacturing is perking up ."
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 26 a 30:
"Todavia, a magnitude deste crescimento é incerta".
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 26 a 30:
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 26 a 30:
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