Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Escola de Administração Fazendária (ESAF) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 36 a 40:
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 26 a 30:
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 36 a 40:
Your answers to questions 31 to 33 must be based on the text below:
In paragraph no. 1, it is said that "figures lie". In other words, they
Your answers to questions 34 and 35 must be based on the text below:
According to the text, developing nations have been "ganging up during trade negotiations". In other words, during such negotiations, they have been
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 36 a 40:
Leia o texto abaixo a fim de responder às questões 36 a 40:
Your answers to questions 21 to 25 must be based on the text below:
The author refers to the economic outlook as being grim, which
Your answers to questions 21 to 25 must be based on the text below:
The text refers to the feeling of "relief abroad" as being palpable, which means it is
Your answers to questions 21 to 25 must be based on the text below:
According to the text,
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