Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação de Estudos Superiores de administração e Gerência (ESAG)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação de Estudos Superiores de administração e Gerência (ESAG) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

O que é correto afirmar sobre o texto I acima?

  • A.

    Fluency depends only on grammar and vocabulary knowledge.

  • B.

    The listening comprehension skill is essential for fluency and it is a pre-requirement for accomplishing the other skills.

  • C.

    The listening comprehension skill is not important when learning a language.

  • D.

    Writing and Speaking are very similar in English.

De acordo com o texto I, quando a interferência da ortografia na pronúncia das palavras pode ser prejudicial à aprendizagem?

  • A.

    when the student is exposed to the listening skill rather than the writing skill.

  • B.

    when the student's contact with the spoken language is poor and therefore, he is not familiar with the listening skill.

  • C.

    when a student travels abroad to learn English.

  • D.

    the writing skill does not interfere on the listening skill.

A idéia principal do texto II é:

  • A.

    a foreign language should not be taught at school, but at a private language course.

  • B.

    our schools have no responsibility in forming citizens.

  • C.

    the role that language teaching plays in our educational system nowadays is rather unsatisfactory.

  • D.

    how satisfactory the role of language teaching is in our educational system.

Dentre os fatores que influenciam a habilidade do ser humano em assimilar e usar línguas é INCORRETO destacar:

  • A.

    the gender.

  • B.

    the psychological factor.

  • C.

    the cognitive and biological factors.

  • D.

    the environment and linguistic input.

Sobre Grammar-Translation approach, referido no texto III, é correto afirmar:

  • A.

    no translation is allowed.

  • B.

    it is based on the concepts of language learning and language acquisition.

  • C.

    it was first used in Brazil in the 19th century.

  • D.

    its goal is to accumulate knowledge on grammar structures and on vocabulary.

Quanto à metodologia usada no Brasil, esta sempre refletiu, com certo atraso, as tendências de cada época, as quais podem ser resumidas a três movimentos importantes, EXCETO:

  • A.

    Language learning and language acquisition.

  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    Natural or Communicative Approaches.

De acordo com o texto IV, dentre os fatores que levaram o inglês a ser considerado o Latim dos tempos modernos, podemos destacar EXCETO?

  • A.


  • B.

    the U.S.A economy.

  • C.

    reduction in the price of airplane fares.

  • D.


O objetivo do texto IV é:

  • A.

    to criticize the use of English in countries like Brazil.

  • B.

    provide statistics on the number of people who speak English.

  • C.

    describe where English is spoken nowadays

  • D.

    discuss the importance of knowing English nowadays and in the future.

Os preceitos defendidos por Piaget e Vygotsky contribuíram para a formulação de que abordagem do ensino de inglês?

  • A.

    Natural Approach.

  • B.

    their principles are not used anymore.

  • C.


  • D.

    Grammar- Translation.

De acordo com Piaget e Vygotsky, como a aprendizagem se dá:

  • A.

    in a cognitive and natural way.

  • B.

    in a mechanic way.

  • C.

    in a prescriptive way.

  • D.

    through habit formation.

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