Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação Universa (FUNIVERSA)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação Universa (FUNIVERSA) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 40 according to it. In questions 33 to 40, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

Among the benefits of OD are:

I. lower profits.

II. flexible employees.

III. effectiveless.

IV. improved personal satisfaction.

  • A. All sentences are incorrect.
  • B. There is only one correct sentence.
  • C. There are only two correct sentences.
  • D. There is only one incorrect sentence.
  • E. All sentences are correct.

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 40 according to it. In questions 33 to 40, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

Organizations may contemplate the objectives of OD when:

I. both the organization and the places work together.

II. vertical communication is the most important.

III. everyone in the company makes decisions.

IV. personal health is reinforced.

  • A. All sentences are incorrect.
  • B. There is only one correct sentence.
  • C. There are only two correct sentences.
  • D. There is only one incorrect sentence.
  • E. All sentences are correct.

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 40 according to it. In questions 33 to 40, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

Organizations may contemplate the objectives of OD when:

I. conflicts are not allowed to affect productivity.

II. current needs prevail.

III. people receive prizes for eventual success, but get punished for eventual failures.

IV. leaders and employees know the customers.

  • A. All sentences are incorrect.
  • B. There is only one correct sentence.
  • C. There are only two correct sentences.
  • D. There is only one incorrect sentence.
  • E. All sentences are correct.

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 38 according to it.




In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct. In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

I. ECLAC gives suggestions on how to better integrate Latin America and the Caribbean.

II. Doha Round has showed difficulties concerning trade negotiations.

III. ECLAC urges developing nations to achieve a successful conclusion in the Doha Round.

IV. Doha Round has nothing to do with countries such as China and the US.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect.

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences.

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence.

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 38 according to it.




In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct. In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

I. The best way envisioned is the one in which the nations would go towards a common markets.

II. There are no evident advances towards the common markets in the region.

III. South America is in a similar trade situation in comparison to other Latin America countries.

IV. Free trade agreements are not in progress in South America.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect.

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences.

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence.

  • E.

    All sentences are correct

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 38 according to it.




In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct. In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

I. Location is among the important differences found between divergent economies in South America.

II. Getting to know more about the differences among the economies is currently of great importance.

III. Recognizing the differences with acceptance is also of great importance.

IV. Some urgent matters, such as ATPDEA, must be dealt with.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 38 according to it.




In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct. In questions 33 to 36, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

I. A medium to long term agreement is the goal.

II. Bilateral negotiations outside the region is of great importance in South America.

III. Reduction in trade taxes are possible to be done in order to create a free trade area in a short period.

IV. The reduction in the taxes is not the only measure to be taken

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

Read the following text and answer questions 39 and 40 according to it.

In questions 39 and 40, judge the sentences given as

correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the

grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the

alternative which is correct.

Mark the incorrect alternative concerning the sources of information mentioned along the text.

  • A.

    One may find information on some official governmental web sites.

  • B.

    There is a main source for internal markets in Brazil.

  • C.

    There is no specific source mentioned along the text on external markets.

  • D.

    The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality may be consulted as a source of information.

  • E.

    The World Trade Organization is also one of the sources mentioned in the text..

Answer questions 25 to 30 according to the following text.

Mark the incorrect alternative according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English language.

  • A.

    The unit supports some of the essential guidelines for projects that are boosting Brazilian exports.

  • B.

    Non-profit organizations should design and propose projects.

  • C.

    They classified projects supported by APEX-Brazil into three main categories.

  • D.

    Organizations seeking to establish a partnership with APEX-Brazil propose projects.

  • E.

    After people have approved the projects, segment group managers implement and monitor them.

Answer questions 25 to 30 according to the following text.

I. The Projects Unit is not related to the large-sized companies.

II. Inserting small- and medium-sized companies in the international market is being done to increase their participation in Brazilian exports.

III. Diversion is one of the exported products.

IV. Generating employment is one of the gains obtained by the projects.

  • A.

    All sentences are incorrect.

  • B.

    There is only one correct sentence.

  • C.

    There are only two correct sentences.

  • D.

    There is only one incorrect sentence.

  • E.

    All sentences are correct.

Provas e Concursos

O Provas e Concursos é um banco de dados de questões de concursos públicos organizadas por matéria, assunto, ano, banca organizadora, etc




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