Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNRIO Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa, Ensino e Assistência (FUNRIO)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNRIO Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa, Ensino e Assistência (FUNRIO) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

According to Text I, the meaning conveyed by the question “a bubble that has finally burst?” is:

  • A. a globular body of air that has briefly exploded.
  • B. a speculative scheme that has lastly finished.
  • C. an impracticable idea that has deeply increased.
  • D. a fantastic belief that has openly improved.
  • E. a transparent dome that has clearly developed.

In Jonathan Asante’s opinion, the Brazilian currency is:

  • A. underrated.
  • B. inflated.
  • C. overbooked.
  • D. unpriced.
  • E. priceless.

In Michael Konstantinov’s view, it is right to understand that:

  • A. all of the BRICs grew strongly in the last years, mainly China, which reached 8%-9%.
  • B. Brazil went into a recession, but is now growing powerfully again.
  • C. valuations are in a good price, so it is an exceptional opportunity to the investors.
  • D. the BRICs went well through the global crisis, but they will soon decline.
  • E. BRICs are not very resistant to a new global crisis because they are driven by a domestic demand.

According to Text II, in the last ten years, China’s GDP annual growth has been of:

  • A. 1%.
  • B. 5%.
  • C. 10%.
  • D. 13%.
  • E. 173%.

According to Text II, the idea conveyed by the expression “China-geddon” is:

  • A. Chinese economy is almost a dream.
  • B. China is the leader among the BRICs.
  • C. Chinese inhabitants are far away from the Armageddon.
  • D. China is one of the biggest economies in the world.
  • E. Chinese economy is about to collapse.

According to Text II, mortgages are still:

  • A. undeveloped.
  • B. developed.
  • C. overdeveloped.
  • D. increased.
  • E. infamous.

When the author refers to the fiction in “Many believe the fiction is some way behind the fact”, he is referring to:

  • A. Spanish Costas.
  • B. Crematorio.
  • C. Britain and Spain.
  • D. Madrid and Barcelona.
  • E. European Housing Review.

According to a report in The Economist, although property prices may have fallen, Spain still has one of the world’s:

  • A. priciest housing markets.
  • B. cheapest housing markets.
  • C. less expensive housing markets.
  • D. most deflated housing markets.
  • E. most underestimated housing markets.

Mark Stucklin points out a problem, which is best described as:

  • A. authorized information shows reality by evidencing the real rank to which prices have developed.
  • B. executive information exposes reality by maximizing the genuine stage to which prices have grown.
  • C. certified information depicts reality by realizing the factual point to which prices have reached.
  • D. official information conceals reality by minimizing the actual level to which prices have shrunk.
  • E. representative information renders reality by indicating the authentic position to which prices have attained.

In the sentence “There are some real bargains, especially at the top of the market”, the idea brought by the expression in bold is:

  • A. expressly expensive.
  • B. clearly overvalued.
  • C. really magnified.
  • D. specially costly.
  • E. actually cheap.
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