Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNRIO Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa, Ensino e Assistência (FUNRIO)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNRIO Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa, Ensino e Assistência (FUNRIO) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The word disgruntled, as it appears in the text, could be replaced by any of the options below, without changing the meaning, except by:

  • A. dissatisfied.
  • B. angry.
  • C. irritated.
  • D. unhappy.
  • E. joyful.

According to Text I, Jonathan Asante is:

  • A. an investor working for the global emerging market equities at First State.
  • B. a consumer following the global emerging market equities at First State.
  • C. an emergent head representing the global emerging market equities at First State.
  • D. a fund manager leading the global emerging market equities at First State.
  • E. a teacher forecasting tendencies about the global emerging market equities at First State.

The connective meanwhile in the sentence “Meanwhile, the holiday home market also remains in the doldrums.” could be replaced, without changing meaning, by:

  • A. albeit.
  • B. indeed.
  • C. throughout.
  • D. at the same time.
  • E. in the course of things.

In the following excerpts taken from the text – “many of which hold thousands of repossessed homes as assets”; “who have been jailed for accepting bungs”; “who have responded to the siren call of Spain's sun-kissed beaches” –, the relative pronouns refer, respectively, to:

  • A. “thousands”; “developers”; “beaches”.
  • B. “repossessed homes”; “powers”; “Spain”.
  • C. “Spanish banks”; “politicians”; “Brits and other north Europeans”.
  • D. “assets”; “bungs”; “sun-kisses”.
  • E. “Spanish construction industry”; “compulsory purchase”; “Spaniards”.

The three words in bold in the following sentences – “There is an entire generation of young Spaniards with a millstone round their necks”; “They will have to work their whole lives to pay for houses now worth half what they bought them for” – make an explicit reference to:

  • A. “an entire generation of young Spaniards”; “they”; “houses”.
  • B. “millstone”; “lives to pay for houses”; “for”.
  • C. “necks”; “whole lives”; “worth half what they bought”.
  • D. “One to One Capital partners”; “have to work”; “bought”.
  • E. “Estate agents”; “different parts of the country”; “home market”.

In order to keep the same idea, the connective as in “As the demand side of these economies is mainly driven by domestic demand, not by exports, they are more resilient to a global crisis.” could be replaced by:

  • A. as well as.
  • B. such as.
  • C. whereas.
  • D. as with.
  • E. as long as.

In the following excerpts taken from Text I – “who have poured billions of pounds into emerging market funds”; “Many companies command share price ratings which are a multiple of their equivalents in the west”; “which took more than £500m from UK investors into a China fund launched by its most high-profile manager” –, the relative pronouns refer, respectively, to:

  • A. “small investors”; “price ratings”; “Fidelity”.
  • B. “market bubble”; “equivalents”; “China fund”.
  • C. “market funds”; “multiple”; “UK investors”.
  • D. “emerging market”; “many companies”; “most high-profile manager”.
  • E. “fund managers”; “command”; “£500m”.

According to the text, now Spanish homeowners and the rich north Europeans are:

  • A. linked by prosperity.
  • B. joined together in trouble.
  • C. sharing the same success.
  • D. dealing with an equal bliss.
  • E. facing alone the former joy.

According to The Bank of Spain, since 2007 official house prices have:

  • A. decreased 17%.
  • B. grown 20%.
  • C. inflated 40%.
  • D. dropped 43%.
  • E. diminished 50%.

According to the first paragraph (Text I), over the next few years, the returns could be:

  • A. highly profitable.
  • B. really gainful.
  • C. extremely frustrating.
  • D. greatly remunerative.
  • E. intensively idyllic.
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