Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Text VI, for questions from 34 through 38.
Choose the alternative which brings the correct conjugation of belie (line 6) and lie (line 10).
to belie, belied, belied / to lie, lay, lain
to bely, belied, belied / to lie, lied, lied
to bely, belay, belain / to lay, laid, laid
to belie, belied, belied / to lie, laid, laid
to belie, belaid, belaid / to lie, lay, lain
According to the text, current British laws on working timetables are designed mainly for
Choose the alternative which is grammatically incorrect.
The new doubts about teachers have led to a state-by-state demand from legislators and citizen groups that teachers take special examinations to prove they are competent.
The push toward test teacher competency, however, depends less on Washington than on state and local governments. One of the most instructive battles fought over the issue occurred in Mobile.
We have children whose needs are complicated: a child in the third grade who has already been in 16 schools, children who need love and attention and disrupt the classroom to get it.
Teachers believe administrators tend to duck the subject of violence in the schools to avoid adverse publicity.
But it is more damaging to the country than the jargon of law, say, or even government, because it sabotages the use of clear writing and clear thinking by tens of thousands of teachers, and through them, hundreds of thousands of students.
Text VII, for questions from 39 through 43.
After the class had covered subject-verb agreement in __________ teaching, I realized that the _________ teaching became __________.
After the experience presented in the third and fourth paragraphs of the text VII, Betty Azar would probably fill in the blanks above using alternative:
reactive / proactive / easier
proactive / reactive / easier
reactive / proactive / unnecessary
reactive / proactive / more difficult
proactive / reactive / unnecessary
With regard to paternity leave, the government has given men the right to
Text VII, for questions from 39 through 43.
The word worthwhile (line 7) is close in meaning to
The Work and Pensions Secretary
Ms Cooper hopes her new proposals will give more flexible working hours
The International Labour Organization seeks to
The founders of the ILO believed that
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