Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Based on the text, judge the items below.

A survey undertaken after the accident found out that one of the balance weights was left out.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In clause 1(b)(iii), the excerpt “copies of insurance policies or, at Lessor’s option, such other evidence of insurance which complies with the requirements of Section 10;" (lines 32-34) is adequately translated as

  • A.

    cópias de diretrizes de seguro ou, à opção da Locadora, outras evidências que abranjam os requisitos da Seção 10.

  • B.

    cópias de seguro, políticas ou, a contento da Arrendatária, tais outras evidências de seguro que respeitem as solicitações do Parágrafo 10.

  • C.

    cópias de apólices de seguro ou, a critério da Arrendadora, outros comprovantes de seguro que cumpram as exigências da Cláusula 10.

  • D.

    extratos de políticas de seguro ou, por opção da Arrendadora, tais outras evidências que atendam as requisições da Seção 10.

  • E.

    segundas vias de apólices de seguro ou, de acordo com a Locatária, outras provas de seguro que compreendam os requerimentos do Artigo 10.

According to the text, the software developed by Pulman and Moilanen

  • A. should be widely tested before being commercially used.
  • B. is now able to precisely interpret what people mean from what they say.
  • C. might be considered risky if used to analyse dangerous individuals.
  • D. can classify all English words into grammatical categories.
  • E. can be particularly relevant for companies and intelligence agencies.

Based on the text, judge the items below.

Two bolts and nuts went up and were packed to the upper part of the lift.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In clause 1(b)(vi), the words in bold found in the excerpt “evidence that Lessor’s designated FAA escrow agent (...) has received in escrow the executed bill of sale...” (lines 40-42) are correctly translated as:

  • A.

    prova / representante caucionário / em fidúcia / nota de venda executada

  • B.

    evidência / agente discricionário / em consignação / fatura comercial firmada

  • C.

    comprovante /agente fiduciário / em caução / instrumento de venda assinado

  • D.

    comprovação / agente caucionário / em caução / instrumento de venda executado

  • E.

    evidência / agente aeronáutico / em confiança / conhecimento de embarque rubricado

Which of the following statements is NOT true about how the software processes emotional analysis?

  • A. Words receive positive, negative or neutral labels
  • B. Words with reversed sentiments are excluded.
  • C. The words are always seen in context.
  • D. The grammatical structure of each segment is analysed
  • E. A list of nearly sixty thousand words is consulted.

Based on the text, judge the items below.

The elevator spring tab was clutched in the training-edgedown position.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The main purpose of Text 1 is to

  • A.

    discuss the impact of fears in people’s lives.

  • B. reproduce some of the statistics on airplane accidents.
  • C.

    recommend programs that help people control their fears.

  • D.

    convince customers that flying is safer than most people think.

  • E.

    criticize people who do not buy airplanes tickets for fear of flying.

"holiday hell" and "abuse helpline" (lines 36-37) are quoted in the text to illustrate cases in which the computers will

  • A. readily identify the clear meaning of such phrases.
  • B. easily deduce the writer's primary negative feelings.
  • C. doubt people's capacity of expressing their feelings intelligently.
  • D. have difficulty in understanding the writer's original emotional meaning.
  • E. be able to immediately interpret the text's underlying sarcastic intentions.

Based on the text, judge the items below.

The Dash 8 pitch-control system consists of two elevatorcontrol- cable circuits both operating a single elevator.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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