Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

In line 72, the author juxtaposes the words “Dubbing (drubbing?)”. This play on words corresponds to the meanings in

  • A.

    naming / omitting

  • B.

    accusing / defending

  • C.

    blaming / conquering

  • D.

    nicknaming / defeating

  • E.

    criticizing / empowering

In the above context, which of the folllowing would NOT be considered an e-Government service?

  • A.

    a payment made through the Internet.

  • B.

    a city bill paid at a self-serve kiosk.

  • C.

    online access to various transactions.

  • D.

    an over the counter payment.

  • E.

    an automated telephone available to clients.

The expression “all these trends” in line 74 refers to

  • A.

    ‘The recent regulatory environment’ (line 56) and ‘the global economy and hard times’ (line 65)

  • B.

    ‘forms of co-operation, alliance, load sharing and partnership’ (lines 66-67)

  • C.

    ‘Sociological and personal reasons’ (line 71)

  • D.

    the professional need for a common language both in the hangar and at the ramp.’ (lines 71-73)

  • E. much increased reliance upon language and upon a single language, English’ (lines 75-76)

The connectors “Likewise” (line 44) and “unlike” (line 83) express ideas that are similar to those denoted by

  • A.

    similarly; different from

  • B.

    moreover; unless

  • C.

    adjoiningly; in spite of

  • D.

    in the same way; likely

  • E. in like manner; nonetheless

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I), no texto, é:

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


The author, Philip Shawcross, concludes that language proficiency, irrespective of the work environment, is important since

  • A.

    it allows technical and flight personnel to withhold information and eliminate errors that affect the work environment.

  • B.

    it is the means through which we share information and understand the context we live in.

  • C.

    it affects the way people establish rapport with their fellow staff members in the airline industry.

  • D.

    professionals rely on language to operate in the aviation industry as national boundaries are fading.

  • E. we need to understand technical information we normally take for granted.

Which option contains a correct correspondence of meaning?

  • A.

    “negligible” (line 9) and ‘meaningful’ are synonyms.

  • B.

    “trite” (line 34) and ‘trivial’ are antonyms.

  • C.

    “In its wake” (line 46) cannot be replaced by ‘as a result’.

  • D.

    “be prone to” (line 84) can be replaced by ‘be liable to’

  • E.

    “airworthiness” (line 85) means ‘worth as little as air’.

No texto, track significa

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Choose the option that appropriately completes the passage in Text II.

  • A.

    who’s - will be - if - no - thus - in

  • B.

    whose - can be - when - all - so - for

  • C.

    whose - may be - whether - any - so - to

  • D.

    where - may be - if - all - thus - on

  • E.

    when - will be - that - any - thereby - at

In this agreement’s title and introduction, the terms Lease/ Lessee/Lessor (lines 3, 11 and 6) are best translated as

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


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