Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

According to paragraph 2, it is correct to say that

  • A.

    aircraft technicians and flight personnel are submitted to equal time pressure when they need to react to English language commands.

  • B.

    both airline crews and maintenance personnel are subject to English language misunderstandings that can cause critical mishaps.

  • C.

    aircraft maintenance personnel usually seem puzzled in discussions with native speakers about the need to use principles of Simplified English.

  • D.

    it is widely known that several major accidents have been caused by linguistic misunderstandings during aircraft maintenance procedures.

  • E. it is interesting to know that linguistic misunderstandings and incomprehension are also the cause of critical time constraints in maintenance operations.

In "slight adjustments to related definitions may be required."(lines 29-30), the fragment “may be required” can be substituted by

  • A.

    might occasionally be necessary.

  • B.

    should be considered relevant.

  • C.

    will definitely be demanded.

  • D.

    have to be considered.

  • E.

    can be requested.

O pronome them, sublinhado no texto, refere-se a

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.

    e-government services.

  • D.

    online access.

  • E.

    transaction needs.

Choose the only alternative that the author does NOT mention in support of the idea that the professional environment of aircraft maintenance crews nowadays is different from that of their peers in the past.

  • A.

    Computers have gained the factory floor and have been eliminating many specialized technicians.

  • B.

    Simplified English norms are adopted as a standard for most maintenance manuals and aircraft documentation.

  • C.

    Most maintenance documentation is accessed through computer databases and not usually available in print.

  • D.

    Manufacturers are now the leading source of courseware that will train maintenance crew to handle new equipment.

  • E.

    Globalization and the expansion of worldwide partnerships in the aviation industry have impacted the maintenance workforce.

Check the only item in which the boldfaced item introduces a contrast.

  • A. "The TEM framework can be used to inform about licensing requirements, … thus allowing the definition of competencies from a broader safety management perspective." (lines 7-11)
  • B.

    "Subsequently the TEM framework can be a useful tool in On-the-Job Training (OJT)." (lines 11-13)

  • C.

    "Originally developed for flight deck operations, the TEM framework can nonetheless be used at different levels and sectors within an organisation," (lines 21-23)

  • D. "It is therefore important, when applying TEM, to keep the user’s perspective in the forefront." (lines 24-26)
  • E.

    "Depending on ‘who’ is using TEM (i.e. front-line personnel, middle management, senior management, flight operations, maintenance, air traffic control)," (lines 26-29)

Furthermore, no texto, pode ser traduzido por:

  • A.

    Por causa disso.

  • B.


  • C.

    Além disso.

  • D.


  • E.


The sentence “Perhaps that also says something about native speakers of English!” (lines 54-55) implies that

  • A.

    the error rate in reading comprehension is a relevant issue among native English speakers and among non-native ones.

  • B.

    non-native English flight personnel are equally liable to work-related reading comprehension flaws as the native staff.

  • C.

    native English speakers’ reading comprehension error rate is found to be less than one-fifth that of non-native English speakers.

  • D.

    Simplified English used in documentation is mandatory for non-native English speakers to appropriately function in the work environment.

  • E.

    native speakers of English have had substantial difficulty speaking to non-native speakers in the aircraft maintenance work environment.

Mark the only option in which the two words ARE NOT synonymous.

  • A.

    “concurrent” (line 12) and simultaneous.

  • B.

    “hold” (line 41) and deny.

  • C.

    “engage” (line 51) and take part.

  • D.

    “constraints” (line 110) and limitations.

  • E.

    “Ultimately” (line 111) and eventually.

As cidades de Lancaster e Oakland, na Califórnia, optaram pelo APM porque

  • A.

    instala quiosques sem ônus para o cliente.

  • B.

    exige pouco conhecimento de informática dos usuários.

  • C.

    exige menos funcionários para receber pagamentos no balcão.

  • D.

    envia, automaticamente, boletos de pagamento aos clientes.

  • E.

    permite a integração de várias transações contábeis.

Mark the only option in which the figures of speech that have been highlighted have been correctly interpreted.

  • A.

    “similar snares come to mind...” (line 17) means that ‘other equivalent solutions are engendered’.

  • B.

    “... the alpha and omega of a working shift.” (lines 33- 34) can be understood as ‘the positive and negative feature of a working shift’.

  • C.

    “... the pen has replaced the wrench,” (line 35) can be interpreted as ‘understanding the documents have become more important than being able to use hardware tools’.

  • D.

    “eighteen years down the road,” (lines 43-44) means that ‘eighteen years after piloting airplanes’.

  • E.

    “... both in the hangar and at the ramp.” (lines 72-73) can be interpreted as ‘in the backstage and all hidden areas of professional training’.

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