Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Read the Text 1 and choose the correct alternatives from number 01 to 12.
The number of English teachers is growing because of
there are many English schools in the world.
the spread of English across the globe
English language is in the school program
the students need to pass on the exams.
English is the language with the largest number of native.
Judge the following items according to the text above.
For consumers, mobile phones would be as attractive as all handsets.If they _____ us beforehand, we _____ the necessary mea-sures. Now it is too late. Choose the verbs which best complete the passage above:
Read the Text 1 and choose the correct alternatives from number 01 to 12.
the students' future.
somebody's qualities.
some professions.
some important English teachers' role.
some students' difficulties to learn English.
Judge the following items according to the text above.
Mobile vendors seeking to foster the consumption of mobile devices are increasingly viewing the challenge as a well-defined technology problem.In the passage "This study on business on the web – which has just been released – points to a marked slowdown in the sector", WHICH refers to:
Read the Text 1 and choose the correct alternatives from number 01 to 12.
In this article, the writer remembers
some wonderful English classes at the university.
three unforgetable English teachers of hers.
some indispensable reason to study English.
three unprepared professionals she had known at the Liceo.
a very special English teacher of hers at the Liceo.
"If they can't meet _____ goals, they should blame _____, not _____." The words which best complete the passage are, respectively:
Read the Text 1 and choose the correct alternatives from number 01 to 12.
According to the passage the writer
changed her mind about English.
remained not enjoying English at all.
discovered that English was a hard subject to learn.
shared her difficulties with the teacher
gave up learning English at all.
"Candidates are expected to live in France, so they can apply for the job _____ they prove they can speak French." The expression or word which best completes the passage is:
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