Lista completa de Questões sobre Vocabulário para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
According to the text, judge the following items.
The expression In fact (l.6) is used to emphasize some information presented previously. Based on the meanings in Text I, the two items that express synonymous ideas are
In the fragment The oil industry is a lot like the military in that it employs people in nearly every profession. (lines 11-13) the expression in that can be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by
Judge the following items according to the text above.
The verb took place (l.22) can correctly be replaced with have taken place. The words of Text I: output (line 26), mild (line 30), balance (line 37) and inventories (line 42) may be replaced, without change in meaning, respectively, by:
In the following fragment of Text I: Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters. (lines 31-33) the word quarters means a(an)
In the fragment of Text I Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters. (lines 31-33), the expression easing geopolitical tensions means geopolitical tensions that are
Judge the following items, based on the text above.
The verb form shunned (l.4) in this particular context means ignored, avoided, or rejected.
Judge the following items, based on the text above.
Eventually (l.9) means occasionally, not frequently.Based on the text, judge the following items.
The word obtaining (l.5) indicates a continuous action in the text.{TITLE}
Aguarde, enviando solicitação...