Lista completa de Questões sobre Vocabulário para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Vocabulário - Fundação para o Vestibular da Universidade Estadual Paulista (VUNESP) - 2014
O termo its em Any resource print, human, or electronic used to support your research inquiry has to be evaluated for its credibility and reliability. In other words, you have to exercise some quality control over what you use. refere-se a
Based on the text, judge the following items.
The verb can (l.14) expresses possibility.Based on the text, judge the following items.
The word use in All language learners use language learning strategies (l.15-16) expresses an order.Based on the text, judge the following items.
The word likely (l.21) is used to express a way of facing new input.Based on the text, judge the following items.
The words quickest (l.23) and easiest (l.23) indicate the maximum level to be achieved by students in terms of speed and easiness when doing what they are asked to do in the classroom.Based on the text, judge the following items.
The word inescapable (l.24) suggests that it is not possible to avoid using learning strategies. In And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050 the underlined word means
In Lets keep the lights on when shes your age. the underlined words mean that
Consider the context in which the words are used to match columns.
The action involved in to get around a problem is to:
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