Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Fundação CESGRANRIO (CESGRANRIO) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
The author of Text 2 intends to
conquer his own fear of flying through drugs and professional help.
list all the diseases that passengers on international trips frequently develop.
give practical suggestions to help the reader control anxiety in traveling by plane.
express his opinions on the importance of relaxation techniques for airline crews.
The only alternative NOT suggested in Text 2 to help control someones fear of flying is
relaxation tapes.
prescribed drugs.
psychological help.
alcoholic beverages.
stress relief products.
According to Text 2, people who drink wine, beer or distilled beverages during a flight may
never get dehydrated.
feel heart palpitations and nausea.
have less difficulty in sleeping on board.
have to take medicine prescribed by doctors.
Mark the only symptom that CANNOT be linked to the fear of flying, according to the text.
Faster pulse beat
Stomach sickness
Feeling breathless
there is no chance at all that one can overcome aviation anxiety alone.
one is likely to fail in controlling fear of flying with external help.
it can be doubted that people will succeed in controlling fear of flying.
it is improbable that you will find help to conquer aviophobia.
it is improbable that fear of flying will be controlled without assistance.
In clause 1(c), the following sentence Lessor hereby appoints Lessee its agent for inspection and acceptance of the Aircraft from the Supplier. (lines 65-67) is correctly translated as:
A Arrendatária aqui aponta a Arrendadora como sua representante para inspeção e aceite do Avião do Fornecedor.
A Arrendadora pelo presente nomeia a Arrendatária sua agente para inspeção e aceitação da Aeronave vinda do Fornecedor.
A Locadora por aqui nomeia a Locatária como sua representante para inspeção e aceite da Aeronave do Fornecedor.
A Locadora por este instrumento designa a Locatária como sua agente para a inspeção e aceitação da Aeronave vinda do Supridor.
A Locatária por meio deste documento aponta a Locadora sua agente para inspeção e aceitação da Aeronave vinda do Comprador.
Em sede policial, restaram infrutíferas todas as tentativas, encetadas desde o ano de 2006, de realizar a oitiva de João Aviador, tendo a autoridade policial apresentado o relatório de fls. 2009.
Consider the excerpt above and choose the alternative that presents the proper translation into English.
In the policial seat, all the attempts were useless, started since the year of 2006, to realize the meeting of João Aviator, having the police authority presented the record on page 2009.
In police headquarters, all remaining unsuccessful attempts, undertaken since year 2006, to conduct the hearing of John Aviator, and the police authority presented report on sheet of fls. 2009.
In the police station, all the attempts were deemed unfruitful, commenced since the year 2006, to perform the hearing of João Aviador, having police authority presented the report on folio 2009.
In the police station, all the efforts were left unsuccessful, initiated since the year of 2006, to take place the hearing of João Aviator, having the police authority presented the report on folio 2009.
In the police seat, all the attempts remained fruitless, began since the year of 2006, of realizing the hearing of João Aviador, having the police authority showed the report of the page 2009.
Sugere-se que... / Sabe-se que... / Acredita-se que...
Mark the option that provides a suitable translation into English for the expressions above.
It suggests that / It meets that.../ It believes that...
It is suggested that.../ It is known that.../ It is believed that
It is a suggestion that / It is met that / It is accredited that
By suggesting that / In knowing that / If believing that
One might suggest that / One knows that / One will believe that
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