Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

In the final section of his article, Kumaravadivelo writes:

“We’ve come a long way”— declared Brown (1991, p. 257) as he concluded his essay for the 25th anniversary issue of TESOL Quarterly. He was actually referring to the progress the TESOL profession was making during the 1970s and 80s in achieving desired goals such as shifting its focus from product-oriented teaching to process-oriented teaching, and from a rigid curriculum to a more flexible one. Even those modest shifts, according to him, had created a new state of awareness in the profession. Considering the more significant trend-setting shifts that have marked the 1990s, we can claim with some justification that we have now reached a much higher level of awareness. We might even say, with a good measure of poetic license, that we have moved from a state of awareness toward a state of awakening.”

Which of the following statements could NOT be considered a shift from awareness to awakening?

  • A.

    We have awakened to the multiplicity of learner identities and the complexity of teacher beliefs.

  • B.

    We have been awakened to the necessity of making methods-based pedagogies more sensitive to local exigencies.

  • C.

    We have been awakened to shift our focus from productbased teaching practice to a process-based one, in which our curriculum is more flexible.

  • D.

    We have been awakened to the opportunity afforded by postmethod pedagogies to help practicing teachers develop their own theory of practice.

  • E.

    We have been awakened to the vitality of macrostructures—social, cultural, political, and historical—that shape and reshape the microstructures of our pedagogic enterprise.

Mark the only alternative where the word ‘one’ functions as an indefinite personal pronoun.

  • A.

    “I highlight two major ones.” (line 14)

  • B.

    “One of the central claims of CLT as well as TBLT is that it can be contextualized…” (lines 25-26)

  • C.

    “It also provides one possible way to be responsive….” (lines 55-56)

  • D.

    “One should at the same time remember,” (lines 82-83)

  • E.

    “ ‘…but an interpretive one in search of meaning.’ ” (line 85)

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Financial audits are free of material errors.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

In his article, Kumaravadivelo also mentions that TESOLers have now reached a state of consciousness about the central issues that must govern teaching practices. Yet, he says that:

“Admirable intentions need to be translated into attainable goals, which, in turn, need to be supported by actionable plans. I hope that the person who will be writing a state-ofthe- art essay for the golden jubilee volume of TESOL Quarterly in 2016 will be able to narrate a possible transition from awakening to attainment. After all, the end of all awakening must be the beginning of attainment.”

The expression “from awakening to attainment” can be appropriately paraphrased as

  • A.

    from sweating to learning

  • B.

    from knowing to doing

  • C.

    from beginning to end

  • D.

    from head to heels

  • E.

    from here on

Choose the option that correctly describes the word in the text both in terms of its grammatical function and meaning.

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Usually, audits are principally linked to obtaining information about financial systems and financial records of an enterprise or business

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

The main purpose of this text is to

  • A.

    reinforce the need to define English as the lingua franca in the aviation sector.

  • B.

    discuss the importance of mastering English to find jobs in the aircraft industry.

  • C.

    argument for the relevance of English language fluency in most professions worldwide.

  • D.

    sustain that the language of aviation, is primarily English, in both operations and maintenance.

  • E. advocate for the use of AECMA Simplified English in all FAA documentation for native and non-native speakers.


William Voss’s main concern in Text 1 is to

Mark the correct pair of synonyms, according to their use in the text.

  • A.

    "affordable" (line 1) – available

  • B.

    "plagues" (line 57) – troubles

  • C.

    "warn" (line 59) – accuse

  • D.

    "solely" (line 61) – mostly

  • E.

    "Addressing" (line 64) – locating

Mark the only pair where both words contain affixation that conveys equal meanings and constitutes words with corresponding grammatical functions.

  • A.

    maintenance (Text II, line 1) – operator(s) (Text II, line 19)

  • B.

    misunderstandings (Text I, line 13) – non-English (Text I, line 40)

  • C.

    unfair (Text I, line 34) – asynchronous (Text II, line 14)

  • D.

    discursive (Text I, line 38) – effectiveness (Text II line 31)

  • E.

    regulatory (Text I, line 56) – largely (Text II, line 13)

No texto, city wide pode ser traduzido como

  • A.

    em cidades de porte médio.

  • B.

    em toda a cidade.

  • C.

    no centro da cidade.

  • D.

    em cidades de grande extensão.

  • E.

    em cidades muito populosas.

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