Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2007
Refer to the above text to judge the following items.
The use of "So" (L.28) indicates that what follows is a consequence of what was previously mentioned.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Fundação para o Vestibular da Universidade Estadual Paulista (VUNESP) - 2007
According to the text, a study published in the journal Science indicates that
In contrast, Coulomb s method
cannot be used in a wide range of conditions.
can only be used in specific conditions.
can be used in a wide range of conditions.
is the only one used to compute earth active thrusts on walls.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2007
Refer to the above text to judge the following items.
"rule of thumb" (L.29) is related to experience.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Fundação para o Vestibular da Universidade Estadual Paulista (VUNESP) - 2007
Based on the text, it is possible to infer that Bo Cleveland
Rankine notes that adhesion is useful in helping ground stand up in temporary work but plays no part in his design, which is consistent with Coulomb s law. Adhesive or cemented strength may arise as small creep strains occur and as bonds develop in undisturbed sedimentary soils, but any such bonds are, in Rankine s view, destroyed by weathering, and in Coulomb s view destroyed by remoulding. These two founders of soil mechanics are in agreement.
Adaptado de: Andrew N.Schofield Disponível em: Acessado em: 13/04/2007.
In Rakine s view, bonds are destroyed
by the action of the changes of the weather.
as they get older and older.
by remoulding.
as they develop in undisturbed soils.
Língua Inglesa - Interpretação de Texto - Centro de Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos UnB (CESPE) - 2007
Refer to the above text to judge the following items.
"it", in "which it usually is" (L.30), refers to gasohol.
Língua Inglesa - Gramática - Fundação para o Vestibular da Universidade Estadual Paulista (VUNESP) - 2007
The correct passive voice for hes already planned an egalitarian strategy is
Rankine notes that adhesion is useful in helping ground stand up in temporary work but plays no part in his design, which is consistent with Coulomb s law. Adhesive or cemented strength may arise as small creep strains occur and as bonds develop in undisturbed sedimentary soils, but any such bonds are, in Rankine s view, destroyed by weathering, and in Coulomb s view destroyed by remoulding. These two founders of soil mechanics are in agreement.
Adaptado de: Andrew N.Schofield Disponível em: Acessado em: 13/04/2007.
According to the passage, Rankine and Coulomb
do not agree on soil mechanics.
did not develop consistent methods.
are in accord.
dispute the authorship of Coulomb s law.
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